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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / Are you familiar with these terms? 8-)
    1. big-character posters
    2. wounded-literature
    3. Cultural Revolution
    4. spiritual pollution
    5. bourgeois liberalization
    6. Great Leap Forward
    7. Hundred Flowers Movement
    8. Gang of Four
    9. Four Modernizations
    10. practice is the sole criterion of truth
    11. complete Westernization

    Do you know who said this:
    1. Democracy is not bestowed as a favor. Solid democracy can only be achieved through conscious struggle. Otherwise what is given to you will be taken away.
    2. The three constituents of Marxism-philosophy, political economy, and scientific socialism-have all fallen behind the times
    3. Marxism is dead in China
    4. Citing Albert Einstein’s notion of world citizenship, he urged people “not to be narrowly focused on one’s own country,
    • 大字报,伤痕文学,文革,精神污染,资产阶级自由化,大跃进,百花齐放百家争鸣,四人帮,四个现代化,实践是检验真理的唯一标准,全盘西化。。。饺子你要干什么?
      • nothing. :) I find the translation amusing, esp. "Hundred Flowers Movement"
      • 嘿嘿,你挺清闲的嘛,那么早就在这逛了,才中午吧!
        • 午饭时间 :) 对了,我春节回家,你们的party去不了,。。。 回去吃正宗过桥了。。。 哈哈
          • 唉,可惜你不在多伦多,不然带点油鸡棕来。。。老母亲为我备了不少,苦于找合适的人带。。。:-(
    • 几个词组中,只有第4个不确定,是不是“资产阶级自由化”?不知道这几句话是谁说的,应该是“一小撮反动势力”的代言人吧。
    • 一句也没看明白。:P