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  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 我5月拿到移民纸,还没有登陆加拿大,想在出发前登记结婚,不知道会有什么样的影响?明年老婆办团聚签证过去,这样可以吗?各位移友请告诉我,多谢!
    • 如果你拿到LP后结婚,必须退回LP后补老婆的材料。想要办团聚只有回来一次结婚,多花一份机票钱。
    • Rules
      Before you land you are not a PR. You are only a candidate PR and a LP holder. You do not have the right to "Tuan(2) Ju(4)" in Canada.

      After you have landed, you are a Canada PR. You have the right to "Tuan(2) Ju(4)) with your familly.
    • 我的建议是-先来加拿大落地,然后回国结婚,再申请团聚。要不然还得退回移民纸,重新再考核过。来自不易呀!
      • Hi -玫瑰谷 if your friend follow ur idea, he will scold you because his new wife does not apply the welfare and the loan of goverment for school until ten year later. KEEP IN MIND TO ALL THE PEOPLE.
        • no need to argue for it. Do you see the time of this post? Mr. XiXi has already been here. His problem must be sovled.
    • 你你你?面试多次不成,继而想做labor的,不是你吗?怎么会没登陆呢?想试试Rolia上热心的朋友多不多啊?
      • pls notice its date
      • Yeah, this SOB fooled us all. Asshole!
      • 哈哈,就是,这个贴子发了很久了,你小子,哈哈