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  • 工作学习 / English / 究竟如何有效而快速的提高英语口语听力,我觉得这是最重要的。
    • Watch TV
      Try to simulate the people on the TV when they're talking.

      Speaks after them loadly in your home.

      TVs in north America have on screen capturing which displays the sentences.

      The day you feel you sounds like them you are there.
      • 非常正确。握手握手。gege,前些日子我写了个帖子,论如何提高口语听力,可以查一下。
        • we'd landed almost the same time. Mine was the last day in that October.
          • 读了你的简介,再次握手。希望以后经常读到你。BTW,你是怎么找到这个论坛的?
        • 偶也同意看字幕听电视学英语,不过,看电影时,字幕还不错,看新闻什么的,字幕比声音慢大约两句话,好像更费尽了。哎,没有cable,每天只能盯着一个台看,够烦。
          • 并不是所有的节目都适合学英语。有电视没CABLE等于只有半个电视。