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  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 请教饺子等诸位先辈, 关于到美国工作 B1 visa, 身份, 孩子等, Thanks 先.
    我们8月10号来到Toronto, 经过5个多月的艰苦历程, 我和LP 今天同时通过了telephone interview, 拿到了去US 工作的offer.
    我们的代理发来信,让我们到TORONTO Consulate 去申请B1签证(到后再换成H-1B). 不知道这种签证的成功率多大?
    另外还有我们的身份问题, 如果现在走, 两三年后再回来,按照新法, 不会丢掉身份吧?
    我们十一岁的儿子能否跟从, 或必须呆满6个月才有希望得到签证?
    • 1. 不明白为什么B1转H1-B, 为什么不直接申请H1-B? 转签证时间长, 也麻烦. 有OFFER的话, 应该好申请H1-B吧, 我不很熟悉. 2. 移民身份, 不清楚, 看其他人有否答案, 尤其是CONTACT和MAPLE2000 "先辈" :)
      • 你这一叫‘先辈‘,人家就都得光荣牺牲了。:-) 我的意见如下:



        • 是啊, 我已经先"牺牲"了...:)
          • 是啊,是啊。前辈<>先辈。。呵呵。
            • 澄清一下:我的理解,先辈=先来之同辈, 前辈=长辈, 先烈=为国捐躯者。
        • 此处“先辈”应按日语理解。
          • 烘托?思密码三。。。
            • 大脚蹼。
              • you are so ‘卡瓦一‘ :-)
                • 鸭大。。。。
        • You mean what "你的h1是几乎不可能申请到返加证的。", 应该是b1吧? 有点区别之处, ...
          美国公司不直接雇佣我, 我的代理总部在CANADA, 因此我work for CANADIAN company. 名义上, 公司为代理培训我. 是否B1机会大些呢?
          • 我说的是h1,B1只是商务签证,是不可以在美国工作的。如果你用h1,可以工作,但是就要考虑如何保住你的加拿大身份了。
      • 谢谢饺子和萝卜秧等的回复. 称呼不妥多有得罪. 具体情况这样: 工作很急, 要10 天后上班. 公司和代理均出信, 邀请去 training, 是不是B1较快, 易得到?BTW, 关于萝卜秧说的工作, labour 算吗?
        • 象您这种情况估计办B1的话99%的可能拒签,如果对方公司有诚意的话,让他们现在就赶快帮你申请H1
    • Normally, the company in the US does H1B for you and your family.
    • No hope to get B1 without a work in Canada. The H1B process usually take months, depending on your employer's area and the lawyer's efficiency. Even if you can enter US on B1, you'll have to wait for H1 to
      start working legally.
    • 第一,申请H1-B签证需要三个月左右的时间,加急的话也得1个半月。第二,如果在美国能够继续工作下去的话,几个月后应该申请返加证,否则在你半年后回到加拿大时就有被拒绝入境的可能性。
      • 看来我的B1存在严重问题, 空袭一场了. Then, what can I do?
        • 第一,为什么对方公司要你马上过去?第二,对方公司为什么不马上给你办理H1B签证?
    • dont give up. You should try everything you can. I got my B1 visa before christmas although i had no job. In addition, if everything is fine, you can drive to U.S. It should be ok when you drive back
      • Thanks. It's inspiring. Can you tell me your backgrounds, if you dont mind? And some drills to get the B1 Visa in a large possibility?
        • In a word, you just need to convince VO that you dont want to stay U.S. forever. The job in canada is one of the evidences, of couse, but you still can show them others proofs. It depends on your case.
          • Thanks. In my case, my wife and I go together for the training. And my son stay with his aunty in CANADA. We both have labour jobs here . BTW, What's VO?
    • The standard steps should be: 1 You employer apply for H1B for you and your family; 2 You and you family apply for visa after getting H1B documents; 3 go to US and work for 3 years; 4 return to Canada if
      you still want to and if you don't apply for US green card; 5 Apply for canadian citizenship after 2 years; 6 Return to US on TN visa; 7 Apply for US green card; 8 Retire and return to Canada.
      • Sorry, made some mistakes: 1 H4 for the family; 2, 3 years to get canadian citizenship. If your wife apply for h1b too, take care your employer do not apply for h4 for her.
        • H4 +H1B=family, then, H4=?, B1=not good?? This pocedure is depend on the NEW LAW, right?
      • See, you must be a programmer, really? Good procedure. I understand that I go to the States for training as an emloyee of my agent( Also a consultant corperation). This is
        mean that I have a job now for the agent. If so, is there a chance to get a B1 visa more easily ??