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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 请问:如果我四年内呆满了三年,满足入籍条件但不想申请入籍,能否长期呆在境外不受183天限制,而又保留永久居民身份。好象有些贪心,但是心理上实在过不了不是中国人这一关。
    • No way.
      • 你的意思是,除非已入籍,否则只能受限制地在中国呆一阵。
        • 据说新移民法要增加类似美国绿卡的东东,你可以继续做中国人,不过出入其他国家和在美国就业可能就不方便
          • 谢谢,但愿如此。
          • The LP is actually equivalent to the "Green Card" in the states.
            The US permanent is required as well to stay within the states for a specified length of time period every year except you are sent to work abroad by a US firm. The same thing as the LP.
            The cost to be a Canadian is the loss of China citizenship ultimately. It is a great pain!.
            • 同意! 难道不知道你的移民纸就是你的‘绿卡‘么?美国和这里一样的规定。除非你入籍,否则你永远要受183天的限制。
              • 这是新移民法才提出来的应该有用,5年住2年就是绿卡
                • 新移民法指5年内住满2年就可以申请入籍.加拿大公民和移民之间没有 一个"绿卡"的概念.
                  • 没有那么好的事
        • 只有加拿大公民才有自由进出加拿大的权力。
    • 奇怪,干嘛还要保留加拿大身份?做个堂堂正正的中国人就是了嘛!
      • londonor兄, 你说话怎么这么寓意深刻。
        • 嘿嘿,我是嘴软所以吃人家的,腿软所以拿人家的。
    • 听你这口气,好象换了加拿大护照就不是中国人了?
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我告诉你,你的子女将来怎么样我不知道,但我知道:不论你走到哪里,不论你拿哪国护照,不论某些人承认不承认,不论你自己愿不愿意,你都是,并且只能是,一个中国人。






      如果你真的不愿意既当中国人又逃离中国,那你为什么不会中国去?既然准备定居加拿大这块地方,就老老实实当个加拿大中国人吧。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Agree.
      • disagree
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛one of the special things reflected in overseas Chinese is the "motherland complex".

        if you already obtain Canadian passport, which is the most solid proof of canadian citizenship, but you still identify you are a Chinses citizen, then how can you blame other Canadians not treat you as 'zi ji ren' , in terms of
        career, promotion, politics, etc... you refuse to join the society at first place--when you take the oath (lolyal to Canada and the Queen), while you keep considering you belong to China and keep thinking Canadian passport is just a symbolic document , you in fact betray your oath. like or not, this is true.

        I am talking about citizenship, not origin of nationality. of course we should be proud of our culture (or race, i hate this word) root, but different nations have different definitions on citizenship. to be frank China's citizenship definition is quite dumb---not only based on your birthplace, but also on your boodline, if you have a baby born in, say, Tororonto, then go Chinese Consul for Chinese citizenship, see what will happen.

        since you already selected to reside in Canada permenantly, and already obtain its passport, I can't be convinced that you are still a zhongGuoRen.

        I often wonder, why the children who are a natural USA citizen (born in USA) are called (by their parents or friends with Chinese background) ABC, he/she is actually a Chinese American, but is not an American Chinese.

        You attribute this to the fact that Chinese are always Chinese, no matter where he is born, I attribute this to the fact that you volunteerily refuse to join or merge into the society which you will really not leave更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • I second.
          Citizenship is citizenship, ethnic is ethnic.

          They do not have to be linked together.

          If you don't think yourself a Canadian you are never a Canadian and don't wish Canadians treat you as one.

          A simple story. My boss asked a guy from HK.

          Are you Chinese?

          No. I'm from HK.

          Then you are not Chinese?

          Yes. I'm Chinese.
        • 在加拿大你不会因为保留原国籍而受到任何形式的歧视。相反,加拿大人都坦诚自己是外来人。加拿大国徽上充满了外国(英法)的标志。加拿大人热爱加拿大,也爱自己的祖籍,两者不矛盾。

          • good to hear
      • 重要的是不以自己是中国人为耻,也不给中国人蒙羞,无论什么国籍,皮肤是改变不了的,心是改变不了的。有时形式上的东西不一定很重要。
        • I agree with you.
      • 老兄连中国人的定义都不清楚(” 什么是中国人?这是一个无法用法律条文来解释的概念。“),还说什么“你都是,并且只能是,一个中国人”
        • "无法用法律条文来解释"难道就是不知道是什么吗? 前些日子人们在这里讨论"爱情"时, 你在吗?
      • 是的,我就是这样认为的,所以才会有此一问。心理关就是个人在意的事情,我不是带着怨恨想逃离中国,......