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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 江泽民专机发现27窃听器
    中港台 2002-01-19




    • 美国无赖、美国痞子。
      • 消息核实了,情况确定了再发表看法.如果这消息源头在那些不愿看见中美关系良好, 唯恐天下不乱者呢?我们一上火,那不亲者,痛仇者快了吗?
        • 我相信是真的,在美国修建的苏联使馆,中国使馆里面都有窃听器。国安局的技术人员有项职责就是要检查海外敏感资产的保密情况。所有国家都是表面道貌岸然,私下都烂着呢,这就是政治的丑恶。
        • 世界各大报纸,CNN都已经报道,看来MS,CISCO... 的东西都不能用。
        • 哈,这么丢脸的事情,你指望国务院还是国安局去“核实”?
      • 非常正常。要是中国买飞机给美国总统,说不定将就把一个大窃听器改装成飞机呢。要是不装才该觉得奇怪呢。
      • 如果是真的,先让领导的随从以个人身份提出个人健康(受辐射)及个人隐私受到侵害为由, 向美国有关方面提出民事赔偿要求.
        • News from CNN
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛China won't confirm, deny reports of bugged plane
          January 19, 2002 Posted: 11:08 AM EST (1608 GMT)

          From Jaime FlorCruz
          CNN Beijing Bureau

          BEIJING, China (CNN) -- Chinese analysts and government officials said Saturday they could neither confirm nor deny reports in two Western newspapers that a Boeing jet, delivered to China for use as the presidential plane, was bugged.

          The Washington Post and the Financial Times reported Friday that Chinese intelligence officers discovered more than 20 listening devices throughout a new Boeing 767 purchased by China in June 2000 to be President Jiang Zemin's official jet. The Post, quoting a Chinese source, said 27 devices were found everywhere from the presidential bathroom to the headboard of Jiang's bed.

          So far, there has been no confirmation of the reports from the United States.

          "We never discuss these types of allegations," said a White House spokesman on Saturday.

          A CIA spokesman said only, "On these types of allegations, as a matter of policy we just don't comment."

          The Times said Jiang was furious at the discovery.

          Asked about the reports, government officials and analysts told CNN they had not heard about a bugged plane. They expressed surprise but said they also were not totally shocked.

          One analyst said it is not uncommon for countries to spy on each other to preserve national interests, which prevail in any bilateral relationship.

          A Boeing 767, like this one, was delivered to China in August, 2000.
          A Chinese government official said even if the report were true, it would constitute a "small incident" that would not distract China from pursuing good relations with the United States. This official said China will remain focused on the "major issues" when U.S. President Bush visits Beijing next month.

          The reports said the Boeing jet was flown to China in August 2000 and Chinese military communications experts found the devices weeks later. The devices were said to be highly sophisticated and satellite-operated.

          Chinese aviation officials and military officers are accusing the United States of planting the bugs, the Post reported, quoting sources.

          Between the plane's manufacture in Seattle, Washington, and its arrival in Beijing, the jet stopped in San Antonio, Texas, for refitting by "several aircraft maintenance firms," the Post reported. It was under surveillance by Chinese officials throughout the process, both newspapers said.

          After the bugs were discovered, the reports said, 20 Chinese air force officers and two officials from the company that imported the jet were detained.

          The Post said Western diplomats and executives first learned of the case in mid-October when Chinese officials they did business with failed to appear for meetings. Chinese friends and colleagues told them the officials had been arrested.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 江主席差点成了璩美凤 (copied from wenxucity)
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛江主席差点成了璩美凤






            看来以后买美国货真小心。江主席都差点成了璩美凤。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 中国政府对国际邮件都拆开检查, 国际电话进行监听. 这回老江轮到自己头上, 也是活该! 十三亿人民大事, 就他们几个人唙唙唂唂决定了, 也该有人听听.
      • 呦,听您这口气,十三亿人民大事,该让FBI或者CIA做主才对?
        • 比共产党一党独裁好! 要不你也不会哭着喊着要出国
          • 呸!我可没说我出国是为了逃避“共产党一党独裁”。再说,您这心态有点汉奸吧。。。探讨而已,探讨而已。
            • 他出国是要为FBI,CAI卖命
            • 别 "呸, 呸" 的, 像个老娘们儿.
              • 你管得着吗?
    • 老头挺笨,不是爱做秀有表演天才吗,应该将计就计,给美国友人唱俩段京剧,弹会钢琴,再说两段相声....多爽啊!