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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 请问T5和T4有什么不同?老板说要给我T5,朋友说区别不大,但我因此可以把电话费之类的放进去抵税,因为我算自雇,尽管我还没有自己的公司。保险之后开始补习税务课~~
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        • Drooling....like the Piggy that I am
          • 嘿,都是给个准话啊,摇头还是点头?
      • 还要什么detials?身高185公分,体重70公斤?呵呵,你是专家,请多提宝贵建议。T5如何报税?谢谢。
        • I am trying not to think that your employer is pulling a fast one on you, T5s are for inactive income like interest, bonds, dividends,
          T4 contains deductions which you can make a claim on, plus it contains your cpp info (even if it's zero), ei info and
          retirement contribution which is a vital part for rrsp purchasing...

          and God forbid, should you need to apply for ei in the future, there is no record of employment if you use T5s,

          I am gonna assume your employer had not deducted tax from your pay cheque, then tell him to give you neither documents, no records, no tax
          • 不懂~~。我是independent consultant,老板不负责我的任何EI,Tax,CPP,RRSP,health care...,按小时给钱,支票或现金。昨天他说要给我T5,我不懂,他挥挥手以后再谈~~~~~~~:-(请继续指教。谢谢。
            • which part don't you understand? Read it again
              • 你说了T4有什么,但没说T5有什么,以前听说T5是银行存款有利息交税时才会拿到。我为什么会拿到?用T5报税和T4有什么不同?我能把电话费放进去抵税?
                • Anyone can give out T4s and T5s, with the right software, I can give you a T4 if you want...I was teaching you to not pay any tax at all, though you didn't seem to be interested. The formal way is
                  You are a self-employed individual, you performed for the firm and invoice it, your employer pays for your service and gets deduction on operating expenses, you report income on your T1 according to the invoices, in which case you can deduct employment related expenses including telephone, cable, cell phone, part of autoexp, and toilet paper

                  perhaps your boss doesn't really know what's going on, and reject any T forms he offers, that's hard evidence that you want to avoid at all cost...
                  • 又出来一个T1?我当然喜欢合理避税(并非逃税),但我实在不明白这里的税务体制,那么多T表?没有T表,我根本不用交税?谢谢,有无兴趣作私人会计?I pay you:-P
                    • Oh, I see you have no idea at all, that's okay, we can start from the begining, why don't you start a new threat and we will take it from there.
          • 他要我写invoice给他。“tell him to give you neither documents, no records, no tax“是什么意思?应该有哪些doc,rec...?我没有雇用纪录,不会有EI,实际上我好像并非真的有工作,即使去打工,似乎也比我正规~
            • 希望这回你比较清楚了。正如这里的朋友回答你的,T5通常由银行寄给你,用于报税时申报存款利息的收入;T4由雇主给你,是你被雇收入的凭证;如果你有股票或基金等的投资的话,还会给你寄T3;
              • 中文比英文容易懂多了:-)我确实是有现金进帐的,但现金部分也做进invoice里,我能不缴税?我知道没有EI拿的,但好像我无法自行购买EI?以前看过政府网站~~
                • 现金部分是否做进Invoice,这是你需要同老板商锤的地方,就算写进去,是否申报也是你的自由,当然前提是你是否愿意冒风险。
                  关于自雇人士自己购买EI,建议你同政府机构电话咨询一下,这个我不是太清楚,只记得有人这样买过,要不失业了,生小孩怎么办?有什么结果能否在这里公布一下?我相信不少人都有相同的困惑。说不定我很快也去做contract 呢。
    • 因为你是自雇,你老板和你是公司对公司的关系,而不是雇主和雇员的关系(在此前提下才有所谓的工资、EI概念)。你老板买你(公司)的服务,他付钱,你要出发票或收据。T5是银行出的,两回事。别问我更多,我也只懂皮毛
      • 完全正确!我是应该注册自己公司的!所以我问egg如何注册。没有注册公司,我好像损失7% or 8%的GST or PST?这笔损失可够大的~~
        • 注册公司很容易,如果你在密市,去一趟Central Library的四层就可以了,哪儿有一个Business Center,别忘了去之前预约。
        • 如果你以自己的名字从事“无限责任”的商业活动,无须注册公司,但要申请联邦税号、GST税号、PST税号,这些是免费的。
        • 请想想问题的另外一面
          • 你是专业人士,我对金融一窍不通,你欲言又止,或者假设我已经知道什么,可惜我越来越糊涂,不知道你要指点我什么?问题的什么方面呢?谢谢。
            • uh, we shall be frank, how much of my answer did you understand?
        • If you like, send me your phone number to this email addres: greatway@hotmail.com, so I can answer all your questions over the phone for more details. Thanks.