


  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 领导如何学JAVA (报道之二)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛领导如何学JAVA (报道之二)
    快两个月下来了,领导学完JAVA初级班CORE JAVA,
    正在学ADVANCED JAVA. 其间还学了初级的ORACLE
    基本上已经形成一个初级的电脑脑袋. 随着电脑
    知识的日益提高, 拿死塌指数也日益成功的降到1800点.
    人士也惶惶不可终日. JAVA班上再也听不到对未来
    雄心勃勃的憧憬和谈论. 回想两个多月前,领导翻看
    多论多房地产杂志时的自信, 感叹身处北美,一个
    单形, 街上又传来C SHARP将流行的消息. 改行人之
    所以能找到工作,主要是靠掌握最热门技术. JAVA
    是不是白学了?要不要现在就转学C SHARP?

    我们决定还是把JAVA学好. 市场总归在变. 牢牢掌
    握好第一门语言是必要的, 再学第二, 第三就容易了.
    况且, 目前形式尚不明朗, JAVA不好找工作是因为

    市场不好,求职的竞争性必定大增. 领导英语口语
    非常好, 听力较差, 对事物表达能力也有待提高.
    譬如, 你要问她今天看医生的结果, 她会先从医生
    的态度, 讲到她本人见医生是的心情, 中间穿插一
    段有关沙士比亚戏剧的评论, 15分钟后才会讲到结
    果. 正好, 网上推荐BARBARA的CAREER STEPS课程.
    我感觉这课程涉及文化介绍,沟通技巧, 演讲口才方
    面的内容, 对领导实在是必需.我立马打电话过去,
    课已开始了一天, 还是给插上了.


    附: 领导如何学JAVA (报道之一)

    后来无意将一份<<大中报>>摊在饭桌上, 给她

    既然领导不要学JAVA, 激昂只好教她看<<KNOCK’
    EM DEAD>>, 发简历找本专业工作。 领导每天
    发简历,每天领略越加浓重的失落。最后, 工资

    一月初, 有朋友打电话来咨询上学进修。我鼓
    励他学电脑学校。风险大, 收益也大。 是公平
    的。 朋友就问, 你说得这么有道理, 你老婆为
    放下后, 激昂感叹一句:俺老婆要是学电脑的话,
    就不会为找工作发愁了。 话音未落, 领导来上
    一句”谁说我不喜欢电脑?“, 原来心里早就后
    悔了, 只是嘴上还硬着。第二天, 领导就自动

    两个星期下来, 领导只知道重复一局话了”早
    进去读就好了, 白白浪费两个多月时间“。为了
    那一个不是犹豫半年一年后才痛定思痛的“。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Hey, Ji Ang Xiong, Could it be longer next time? Not just like a news report... Thx anyway... Say hello to your ling dao....
      • sure. I will. Now I am practising Chinese input. I am getting faster everyday.
    • Ji-Ang, nice to read your correspondence.
      Be sure to help your "boss" get acquainted with the following things in the windows: 1) Environmental variablels such as "PATH"; 2) File properties such as "Read-only"; 3) Windows scripting. I assume your boss is already an expert in dragging and dropping files, arranging desktops, configuring Windows explorer....
      • Yes, you are quite right
        • Hi, jiang, your lingdao is very interesting, like her answer of seeing a doctor , I also came here in last October, by th way what was her major, if you don`t mind tell me.
          • OOOOOOOOOps, her major is Food Science and Engineering.
            • You are sooooooo lucky! Could you ask her to give me some recipes?
    • Ji-ang, how good is your boss's Java?
      I suggest you test your boss. If she fails, you may lay her off. -):

      Since she has done Core Java I, she should be able to explain the following things to you using some examples: 1) Inheritance tree; 2) Late or lazy binding; 3) the sequence of modifiers; 4) Relationship of AWT Compoenet and container; 5) Literals; 6) References and Objects..... Don't ask her to recite the definitions. Ask her to exemplify the concepts.
      • What good questions!
        Hi, Jabber, 你好.


        你的问题提出来都是core java中的经典问题,也是interview时被问到频率最高的问题,
        什么是"Lazy or late binding"?
        在core Java中我们甚至没有用过binding这个词,直到现在讲到Advanced Java才大量提到,
        这个bingding也是指reference 和其所指向的Object之间的关系的吗?

        Jabber,非常感谢你的测试,你可不可以发一封email给我家劳工跟我说说这个”late or lazy binding“呢?


        • To Ms Ji-Ang's Leader:
          It seems that our nutritionist (wrong word?) is cooking Java in a serious manner.

          Sorry, late-binding is an advanced topic in OOP. How important it is?
          If you just know class inheritance and composition, you are object-BASED. once you understand late-binding, or lazy binding, or dynamic binding, you can be really counted as object-ORIENTED. Please pay attention to the difference between " based" and "oriented".

          Sorry, you cannot find the dicussion about this topic in Core Java. Indeed, Core Java is a very good book about Java API. But no book is perfect and covers all things. I suggest you download Thinking in Java from www.bruceeckel.com and look into its dicussion about RTTI and Binding. You may have your servant read the book and have him explain the principle to you. In this way, you may restraint him from
          wandering about this forum and talking about topless and table dance. -):

          You are doing so great. Now I am afraid you may lay off Ji-Ang once you grab a programmer job.
          • Hi Jabber. You are not only a Java expert but also a professional humouror. It is a pleasant to read your post. I can easily see your strong ability to make things easy to understand and yet full of fun. Thank you.