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  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 请教过来人:如何申请父母移民,在何处递表,需多长时间?另外,如在北京申请,出境时是否需注销户口和身份证?移民后他们在国内的退休金还能保留吗?Thanks a lot!!
    • up.
    • I've already got the application form for the sponsorship. The question now is they are living in Beijing, is it OK that I submit their application in Hongkong?
      I've already got the application form for the sponsorship. The question now is they are living in Beijing, is it OK that I submit their application in Hongkong? How could I know whether Hongkong will process faster than Beijing?
      • 我父母在广州,所以我在香港交的表。在哪里交表是你的自由,当初选香港有两个原因,其一是离广州近,其二是要求准备的材料不象北京那么繁复。但是好像在香港领事馆的网站上面无法查到申请的进程,不象北京。
        • 谢谢你。另外刚看到一个帖子,说办父母要差不多两年,是不是真要那么久?
          • 我看未必,关键是你在哪里办。
            • 如果是北京呢?是否北京最慢?
              • 根据我看到的帖子,好像在加拿大本土最快(申请人先以探亲身份抵埠),香港其次,北京最慢。但是由于领事馆随时根据积压情况调整人手,所以很难说哪里最快最慢。