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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 问一个初级问题,朋友问我如果搬家新公寓的业主是否有业务把公寓重新刷一遍并打扫干净?咳,来了快半年了我连这个问题都回答不了她,惭愧啊。DX们知道么?谢谢。
    • Anyone could answer my silly question?
    • It supposed to be. If you are renting directly from the owner, they are supposed to give you a new one. But if you rent from the unfinished list(eg. from friend,even they moved out), it depended.
    • 据我所知,是可以这么要求的,但是如果在你搬进去之前房子是打扫过的,那么你有义务在你搬出去之后打扫干净交还给房东.
    • 打扫干净是应该。但重新刷一遍似乎并非必须。每个管理公司规矩不同,一问便知。