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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / can Jbuilder 5.0 enterprise trail version make the ejb jar?
    i am using Jbuilder5.0 enterprise trail version to build ejb jar file, but it can't be succeed. but i make the jar file by hand, it work. is anybody meet the same problem? help please!
    • why don't you use ANT to build ejb. it's simple and easy.
      • 你学过EJB的经典例子Sun 的 Petstore 吗 ? 如果是, 你是否知道哪里有关于Petstore 讲解的资料吗? 好一点的.
        • there are plenty of materials on sun web site . check below URL for it java.sun.com/blueprints/code/jps11/archoverivew.html