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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 有个信用卡的问题请教大侠:信用卡只有1000块的限额,先刷一次500,再刷600,会什么结果?不同的商店。
    • 超过limit, 有不良记录。你可以在刷第一次后,往信用卡里deposit一些钱,只要1000-500+deposit> 600再刷就没有问题
      • 怎么个不良法?昨天卖机票一下子刷了900,当时没问题,也过了,后来又冒出来一个上周末刷的150多。多出来的部分会罚我么?
      • 这点小事不会出现在信用记录里,不要随便吓人
        • 那什么算大事?
          • 小事
      • 齿但...多的100收高息...本人有痛苦经验!
    • IF you did without permission, you would lose yourself.
      • 啊?如此严重啊。主要是有滞后,昨天刷的时候还没问题,今天一看,那150多上来了,一加岂不是要超1000么?我需要马上往上填钱么?
        • poonu gave you an accurate answer. take care.
    • 马上存钱进去,再打电话解释不是恶意的。
    • check your agreement with the card. My cards allow 5% over the credit line without penalty. then there is a penalty ($25) each time I exceed that limit (105% of credit line). But it never happens, though I did try
      to over-spend my credit limit several times by accident. Each time the request was denied.
      • I saw my credit record. With each credit card, there is only one comment: "paid/never late".
    • call you credit company to increase your credit limit.
      I had a bad experience last year when I was in US. After a couple of weeks of continuous travel, I ran out of my credit limit. I had to call my bank every time I used my visa card. The credit card company even called my employer because I was travelling on business. Later on, I called my bank to increase my credit limit to 22000 and applied another credit card. Now I have two cards and over 40000 credit limit, so I don't need care about it any more.
    • 信用卡使用常识
      超过限额部分不大一般没有什么问题,(要有问题的话在你划卡的时候就不会让你通过);不良记录只会因为你没有及时付款或者不付款才有;抵押信用卡要增加信用额度需要再增加抵押金额,同你工作收入无关;非抵押信用卡一般在使用半年之后可以向信用卡公司提出增加额度,额度的增加同你的家庭收入,过去半年使用记录有关;信用卡可以申请2-3种不同种类以适应不同商店的需要,例如visa+mastercard+american express;额度也不是越高越好,根据个人需要,否则卡丢失或被人盗用也很麻烦。