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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 本人想移民魁北克,不懂法语,英文流利,我有没有希望移民成功?谢!
    • U must start to learn it now, When you interview with officer, you can say some words.
      • I was told it is very difficult to learn French, I don't how can I master it in a so short time. do you have any suggestion. thanks
        • you don't need to be a "master" in French. My friend past her interview after study french for 6 months. So...good luck!
          • Thanks for your encouragement ,could you tell me how your friend study French? Does she study French through self-sutdy or she enrolled in a French Training class? Thanks.
            • Sorry, I am not sure about that. I was told that study french can be easier if you have english study background. They belong to the same language system.
              • english is not really. but, if u know spanish or romanian, then what u should learn is just the pronuanciation, because in grammer, spelling, and structure they are almost the same with french.
    • 完全不懂法语,肯定不行。
    • from now on u should begin to learn it! and, u'd better take part in the intensive training class, by this way, u can grasp it ASAP. in fact, french is not as difficult as others said. at least, for me it is easy.
      • however I don't know how good I should grasp French, so that I could be qualified for the application of immigration to Montreal. could you give your idear? Thanks