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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请教何处可找到建筑施工的英文专业书?去参考图书馆查找过,很少。是否应该找大学工程系学生借或者哪里买教材?另外那里有建筑方面的专业英汉词典?谢先。
    • 1,到多大图书馆找,很多。2, NO IDEA。3,国内买,用处不大,过时。用金山词霸2002就可以了。
      • 多大图书馆?这倒是个好地方。多谢提醒。只是我素来与多大无缘,不知能否让借?要办什么手续?
        • visit here: http://www.library.utoronto.ca/
          • very nice of you.看了半天,好象非多大学生要交费办membership证才能借书是吗?
            • There is a sub library in U of T especially for engineering in Civil Engineering Department. You can just go there and ask the librarian where you can go to the civil engineering shelves.
              If you just read in, you do not need any ID or card, just find books and find a place to read. If you want to borrow out, just buy a card at price $100 annully and you can borrow it out.

              The library in the Civil Enigneering Department building also open at Saturday and Sunday.