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  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 小潘父母的保险, 需要大家帮忙
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛先汇报到目前为止的开销情况(保险)
    进帐: CAN$300 (谢谢网友NIU的慷慨解囊)
    花销: CAN$50 八月潘父 (谢谢经纪赞助了另外的CAN$18)
    CAN$50 九月潘父 (谢谢经纪赞助了另外的CAN$18)
    CAN$100 十月潘父母 (谢谢经纪赞助了另外的CAN$36)
    CAN$100 十一月潘父母 (谢谢经纪赞助了另外的CAN$36)
    余款: CAN0.00

    父: CAN$2.2/天. 保额CAN$15K
    母: CAN$2.2/天 保额CAN$25K
    承保公司: 21st Century Travel Insurance Limited


    潘的父母每个月需要CAN$136支付保险金虽然潘伯总说只给妈妈买就好了这个险我们怎么能冒呢? 有意帮忙负担一部分保险费的朋友请发EMAIL到 cool6001ca@yahoo.com 和我联系. 钱不在多, 只为众人拾柴火焰高.

    现在北美经济萧条, 每个人都不容易. 唯愿我们有钱的出钱,有力的出力,有心的祈祷,帮助小潘度过这个人生的大关!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 似乎这样一个帖子太不合当今灰蒙蒙的失业潮流了 郁闷! 8-(
      • don't worry, 老乡,give me an email, name and address about xiao pan's parent. i can do something about them
        • Thank you. Have sent you an email. Please update me if you did something to avoid redundancy.
    • 把捐款方法再说一遍吧,帐号或者寄支票的地址
      • 捐款方法请见MESSAGE#147566
    • 别着急! rolia上有这么多有爱心的人呢。
      • 已经收到几个EMAIL了. 感动...
    • 谢谢大家!最新UPDATE: 小潘父母十二月的保险金已有网友赞助.
      • 一月份我来吧。I will send my phone no. to you, please contact with me, thanks.
    • 建议:明年2月1日由多大中国学生学者联谊会举办的春节文艺晚会在downtown 的 convention center举行。我们可以在那位潘中原设一个捐款箱。
      • Good idea. We should organize something. I will try to be there.
        • 有什么计划吗?见#334959
          • Wow... Time flies. Only one week from now. Volunteers needed to:...... Those who are willing to give a hand please follow this posting.
            1. Write an article to present Pan's case
            2. Print flyers
            3. Set up a donation box at the door
            4. Deliver flyers and answer FAQs
            5. Collect money in donation box and send it to Pan's family

            I can do part of Task 2, 3, 4, 5. We need more people to anticipate.

            BTW, Kite JJ, should we buy a ticket in order to be there? Should we talk with
            the organizer before we start?
            • 我上个星期已经买好票了。我想如果不进去看演出的话,是不用买票的。我的意见是如果我们在门口设捐款箱最好先和组织者打个招呼。
            • If you need English version I probably can help providing you give me the Chinese version
    • 汇报一下:十二月潘父母的保险, 感谢H. LIN的帮忙
      也谢谢几位网友的热心捐献(直接入潘的户头).一月是Ms Qu's help. Wish everybody a happy new year!
      • 你还没给我定时间呢!
        • He he... How could I forget the lovely ice girl?
          I am first spending the money coming to my pocket for Pan's insurance. Some friends make donations for insurance directly to Pan. Now that I spent all the money at my hand already, if there is no money coming to me, I will collect those donation from Pan's family to pay the insurance.
    • I want to support Feb. I will mail my check to Wang Ji-Ang.
      • Could you mail the cheque to me directly if the donation is for Feb's insurance? I am the one who go to pay the insurance broker.
        Otherwise, I have to wait until Ji Ang pass the cheque to Pan and after Pan banking in the money, collect the money from Pan to buy it.

        If you still prefer to mail it to Ji Ang, it is OK. Compared to your generousness, my concern is nothing.

        Thank you!
        • Please give me your mail address and the title of paying to so that I can write on the cheque.
          You can send me the info by email.
