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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 2001。5免面试,由于生孩子,2001。9补孩子的材料,2002。1ME。HK CASE。请问在ME后还有BG调查吗?另外在加拿大,建筑师的工作好找吗?我知道CIVIL ENGINEER不太好找,我的电脑水平很臭,读不了CS。请吃教!!!
    • seems it's hare to find a job. But if you can use Auto CAD very well, you still have change.
      • AUTOCAD我很熟,3DMAX和PHOTOSHOP我也精通。在国内是做枪手出生的。不知道建筑事物所找不到,广告公司是不是也需要这样的人?
        • 如果你不限薪水低,英语又说的过去,靠这些足可以找到一份工作
        • Take co-op course and get Canadian experience first. I think it's a good way to get know how Canadian work and how is the market.
          Then you can sent your resume or visit those companies directely with your artwork. Good luck!
    • what document do you need to apply for your child? how much does it cost in total?
      hi there.
      i am in the same situation as yours. we got the landing paper which expires on Sep. but my baby will be due on August sometime. I want to give birth at china so my family could help.
      Would you please share your experience about applying Landing Paper for the baby please?
      thanks so much. have a nice weekend.
      • Important!!!!!!
        Hi, friend, if you want to give birth in China, then, after you meet your little angel, you must communicate with the Embassy immediately and :

        1. tell them the updated change
        2. turn in your LPs (you and your spouse)
        3. supply your baby's notarized birth certificate and application fee(100$CAD)
        4. filling in new aplication forms is best

        If you give birth in China and do not inform the Embassy, you are unable to land Canada.
        • 你人真好!谢谢你的关心!你在哪里?想交你这个朋友!
        • thank you.
      • 我们老老实实地在孩子怀上后就通知了HK,他们要了怀孕证明(医院可以开的),就叫我们等孩子出生后补出生公证、四张照片和100CND的申请费。然后体检表寄来就已经有孩子的了。
    • 给点参考意见
      第一个问题:别说收到ME, 收到LP还有碰到调查的呢。当然可能性极小。

      1. 英语水平
      2. 运气
      3. 闯荡江湖的能力
      4. 看你想找一个什麽样的工作
      4. 如果非找专业工作,假如程序员找工作可能性是100的话,那麽建筑工程师是50-60,建筑师30-40。
      • 谢谢你的提醒,我想只要给钱,什么我都做。除了洗盘子。我最讨厌洗盘子。大不了我就回国。
    • For an architect, you can be a draftsperson at first!
      • 大概年薪多少?要不然我在国内开个公司,是不是可以长期地申请返加证?