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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 谁知道在加拿大找专业工作,一般面试后多久给结果
    • 这个很难讲,取决于公司和职位。一般来说,面试结束时应该告诉你什么时候有结果,如果没有可以在告别时问 "What would be the next step?"。
      在告知的时间内如果没有得到通知,一般来说是坏消息,但不管如何,应该打电话去问问,如果对方很 nice,会告诉你原因和建议,最低限度可以练练英语。
    • 快的一两天,慢的一个星期一伦;四伦下来二十天拿到offer。我知道最慢有面试半年后拿到offer的。
      • 上次三轮干了27天, 最后一次战斗还是因为其中一个大班跟猪是校友, 当时就有了结果
        • 瘦猪现在是不是"中班"?:P Do you know anything about a firm named RCGT(Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton)?A guy posted some job openings on a CGA mail group. Thanks.
          • yeah, the firm used to call Doane Raymond, was acquired by Grant Thornton International in the early 90's, Raymond Chabot GT is the Quebec arm of GT Canada, almost took a job offer there
            I hear this place is wacky, its Toronto office fired everyone who didn't past the Uniform Final this year
            • Thanks. You are always so kind. :P The email group I attend is a group for CGA student. http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/cga-students Thank you for sharing your favourate site. I have bookmarked it. :D
          • What newsgroups do you frequent? I visit electronicaccountant.com everyday