


  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 饺子走四方(六) AMISH COMMUNITY
    • Waterloo有时能看到穿黑衣服的人架着马车哒哒的跑过,女士戴着黑帽子,不知是不是Amish人?
      • Those are Ontario Mennonites, supposely a branch of amish culture, the amish people is to a certain extend anti-catholic, they insist that batipsm is to be performed on consenting adults
        instead of babies, the struggle of the amish people were dating back to the middle ages, not surprisingly, their belief is supressed by the roman catholic church which was the de facto ruler of the Old World for abou 1300 years
    • 好羡慕他们的生活style! 俺常想这世界要是没有车该多好!
    • 饺子,你是一个人走四方还是饺子夫妇走四方?呵呵。