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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / How to install Modem Driver in Windows98 or WindowsMe? Should in Control Panel/Modem? or Control Panel/Add New Hardware? or some where else? Thanks a lot.
    The Modem could be used for fax or access Internet. I re-installed WindowsMe or Windows98 today, I have to install the Modem driver from CD drivers,
    Since it is Aopen brand and it is not included in the system CD.
    • Can Anyone help me?
    • yes, u can use either method of those u said, and u can also just run the install.exe or setup.exe in the install disk of ur modem
      • I used both methods install the medom but it doesn't work and the sound while dialing is strange then Bell's voice message comes to the phone. Do you know why?
        • I think you must config to dial with area code.