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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / A question about configuration JRE/JDK paths in iPlanet
    In iplanet, I tried to change the path variables for locating JAR/Class files for servlets from JRE to JDK. There are three paths: JDK Path, JDK Runtime Libpath and JDK Runtime Classpath. However the change failed and it caused the problem about jvm.dll not found. The server would be started and I had to uninstalled it. Could someone tell me why or show me some example? I am not sure which level of the directories should be specified.

    Thanks a lot.

    new to iPlanet
    • haha... what a newbie. To turn on Servlet support, the only thing you need to put in is JDK path. Leave the rest empty.
      • I followed you instruction and still got the error message showing " The dynamic link library jvm.dll could not be found in the specified path ..." Why??? Thanks.
        • What did you put down for the JDK path, and what version is your iPlanet? You have the leave the other two empty!
          • 1. The path I set was C:\jdk1.3.1_02\bin OR C:/jdk1.3.1_02/bin ; 2. I didn't input anything for the other 2 paths; 3. iPlanet 6.0
            • It should be C:\jdk1.3.1_02\ OR C:/jdk1.3.1_02/
              • It works. Thank you!