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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 请帮忙看看, 缓慢加速时,车会出现"GE DEN"一下抽搐,发生渐多,刚买没发觉,平时车抖动较厉害。请教会是多大问题?(97escort)
    • 调整 timing
    • 很多可能的原因:油路,电路,配气,控制系统。需要进一步调查研究。
    • Thanks 2 DXs' help. How much percetage it could be the problem of timing belt? If not timing belt, I have to let Ford dealer dignoze it because according to egg's suggestions, too complicated problems may involved,,
      • 很可能是变速器的问题,自动的在换档时都有一点感觉,不应该太大。抖是可能Tire 的Balance 或Linear
    • This sounds like a transmission problem. It happens when the automatic transmission changes gear internally and it happens only at a certain speed (around 30km/h).
      You may want the dealer to check the transmission.
    • 谢谢ottawa和围城专家两位指点。围城专家说的挺象,问题是挺到变速器罢工或是现在得补救一下?后者能做些什么呢?再次烦劳诸位赐教。
      • It should not be very critical. Maybe the previous owner has not maintained the car very well. The transmission oil should be changed every 2 years. Go to the dealer and ask them to check it when changing the oil.
        Normally they will tell you what is wrong and its cost before they start repairing anything.
        • Thank u, buddy. I knew you r right. I remind I have just changed transmission oil at canadian tire 3 months ago. It could be problem they abused it? Never canadian tire unless you know some branchs are ok.
    • Results. The problem is not from inner transmission. The dealer adjust something (I forgot the name, like TV ~~ -- weird name) and charged me $130 for diagnosis and readjustion. It dispeared.