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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 正在购房,为选择Mortgage挠头。3年closed4.75%,还是选择浮动利率(now about 3%), 还有更好的吗?
    • I read this in one of Rolia's Hot Zones: #343443
    • 这看你风险承受能力和对将来利率的预测. 如果你预期未来3年利率不会超过4.75%, 当然选择浮动的. 另外假设浮动利率高于4.75%了, 根据你的收入情况, 有没有可能每月PAY不出那么多钱? 如果是, 就选固定的.
      • Good advise!thx.
    • There is expected to be another cut-off of mortgage rate early this year. Thus, it'd not be a bad time to lock your variable rate into conventional one.
      • 你是说先按可变利率贷款,因为可以随时转到term(5yr),等今年利率再跌时,再转closed term, 我的理解对吗?
        • 问题是当variable rate 降低时, conventional rate 有可能升高.
          • 今天TD 提高利率了,迫使我要尽快作出选择:1yr vs 3 yr/5yr, and fixed vs variable. Any advise?
        • Smart and comprehensive reading... However, there was one word missing from my sentence: "NOW". No one, at least not me, can precisely tell whether/when there will be another decreasing.
          • Fixed-term seems to be a litttle bit secured with additional cost. I would prefer to fixed-term now, then how about 4.75% for 3yr term or 5.6% for 5yr term?
    • 找哪家银行都好,就是别找HSBC,我是绝对不会再给他们任何一笔生意了,也劝谕所有我的朋友。
      • give me details please
        • 查一查我发的帖子就知道了。
    • up
    • It is done. I got the mortage from TD, it is 5-yr closed variable rate ( primerate-0.75%), which is 3% now.
      TD's rate is pretty good, but I am not satisfied with the service of the broker, who got it done just 2 days before the closing day.

      By the way, I would recommend CIBC's variable open rate ( primerate-0.5%) too. And Mrs. Zhu, the CIBC broker, is very nice and helpful, her contact is 905-882-6222.