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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 求教一个入籍问题...谢谢!
    • Push
      • 没人了?
        • 我苦
      • 撒谎。
        • 如果被抓住会怎么办?会不会要求护照复印件?上面有签证和出入纪录...
          • 这招早就不管用了, 申请入籍时, 要求护照所有页的复印件.
            • 为何APPLICATION KIT中没有说这个呢?只是说可能抽查吗...
          • 如果已经盖了章,就没办法躲了,实事求是吧。入籍时不仅要true copy,还有可能专人一页一页看你的护照。到时查出来就可能一辈子都别入籍了。
            • "到时查出来就可能一辈子都别入籍了"is your own judgement or you knew some real experience?
              • On every official form, your signature is required. Usually above it, there is some declaration, something like "under the penalty of law, i affirm the information I provide is true and complete...".
          • 撒不了就别撒。
    • Frankly,如果美国不在你的护照上出盖章,的确可以逃移民监。很多香港人就是这样逃回了香港。不过有了枫叶卡后就不行了。当然还是有查出来的可能,祝好运。
      • 忘了说了,老婆走之前还申请了返加证和贷款...这肯定有影响吧?TNND,有时候太积极也不好...
    • it's risky. US and Canadian share their information. Though your wife don't have records on her passport, she has record with US INS, which issues I20 & I94. If it's found out, her citizenship will go forever.
    • will a immi lawyer help?
      • 本来想贴给你一篇文章,不过你在#241389里面已经贴过了。你还在担心啥呢,去申请一下不就能知道结果了,别忘了回头告诉我们结果。:D
        • 我好像没有贴过呀...也找不到#241389...您能把文章再贴一遍吗?谢谢!
    • 这种情况入籍是有可能的. 1. 需要证明离开加拿大前已经ESTABLISH LIFE. 2. 离开后仍然MAINTAIN A TIE. 3. 求学的目的是为了ENHANCE JOB SKILL...最好的办法是把表填好, SUPPORTING DOC准备好, 交给律师过一遍. 不要傻慌,
      谎报在加天数, 查的出来.

      读了几个COURT RULING, 还是考虑上述的三种情况, 但是越来越严格.

      • 饺子,我现在在法国巴黎,出加拿大境入法国境都没有盖章,下次我再回加拿大,怎么知道我在境外呆了多久?
        • I am not very sure how they track your records, but I do know when the case gets to the court, they check all your visa and entry to the other countries. Also
          the opposing party will examine that very carefully. If you are caught lying, that would be the end of the case. So I don't recommend taking the chance. Do it right the first time.
        • If you are holding Chinese passport, why didn't you need a french visa or Schegen Visa? If they didn't stamp in France, they must stamp on your first entry country. Right? Don't count on that. :)
          • I have a so called "carte de sejour" (for student) in France and it is just like a normal ID card. I guess that is why they did not stamp on my passport.
            The only evidence for my leaving Canada is my airline ticket, I guess... That is why I am asking how do they know when I left Canada.
      • Thanks for your input.... Where did you find those court rulings? Want to go there to have a look....Where did you find the lawyers?...Are theycharging a lot for this? Thanks...
        • email you already :0)
    • 有哪位前辈有成功的例子可以共享?