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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 风筝,和其他老前辈,能介绍一下小学校的天才班吗?
    • in Seneca Hill PS, there are gifted classes, from Grade 4 to grade 6. When your child is in Grade 3,
      the teacher may send him/her to a test centre to do an accessment, around December. Somebody said you can call the test centre to schedule an accessment by yourself, if you really kean on it.
      if pass, then he can enroll in that class.
      It is fun to study in that kind of class, students can learn more.

      I think you can check the website of TDSB
      • Thank you so much, abc. Another question is, if my daughter takes the test in this school and passes (I hope), but the next year when she is in Grade 4, we move to another neighbourhood, what will happen?
        • OK here is what I heard from a friend.
          They moved after their daughter was admitted into a gifted class. Since there is no school bus coming to the new area, the school gives the girl free bus tickets and lets her take buses everyday.

          Guess this is only one of the options though.
        • A Q for you: do you know which store sells good second-hand piano? Any experience to share? Thanks.
          • Thank you for your answer, and I am sorry I have no experience on buying used piano. My daughter is using a keyboard now.
          • what is your budget for a piano?
            For a little bit more than $4000, you can buy a brand new made-in-china piano, upright I like PearlRiver (from Guangzhou) and Bergman (from tianjin, it is a product of yangchang.com, a korean company). I bought a Bergman (48"), and one of my neighbour got a PearlRiver.
            • The manufaturer provides 10 years or even 15 years warranty. Because I don't know how to inspect a piano. From Yellow page, you can find a lot piano store.
    • 试试电话吧

      教育,GIFTED PROGRAM就属于特殊教育的一种。据我所知,
      进入GIFTED PROGRAM,应先由孩子所在班的老师推荐到本
      有关的会议。讨论后若认为孩子适合参加GIFTED PROGRAM,
      就会建议家长把孩子转到GIFTED PROGRAM去。若您想进一
      Special Education Office
      • Thanks
    • 小学天才班是从3年级开始准备,一般要经过老师,学校推荐, 教育局派人到学校经过笔试,面试合格后就可录取。第2学年(4年级)开始进入天才班学习。
      有的学校有天才班课程,有的学校没有。如果考上了天才班,教育局会安排学生到就近学校学习,并且提供免费school bus接送学生。只要考进了天才班,就一直可以读到OAC。
      面试很关键,主要是对学生素质全面考核,这也是划分聪明学生(bright student) 和天才学生(gifted student)主要考试。你可以看看这个
    • 没有想到,加拿大也搞什么天才班?就像沈阳的育才学校一样,也要残害我们的下一代阿??
      • 宝宝就像花朵,到哪里都是被摧残对象。华人尤甚。8-((
        • 是啊,孩子太弱小了。。
      • 不是残害,恰恰相反,是保护!保护那些天才学生的天分不至被埋没,而天才班就是根据这些学生的特点设置的特殊教育课程。
        • 那么这些天才的孩子是不是学习的压力和作业比其他的孩子要多?学习的时间多了,孩子的自由的时间就少了,孩子的天性也许就会少了许多,这不是摧残是什么?不是伤害是什么?
          • 但是据我所知,天才班的孩子都很enjoy他们的生活,他们觉得学习是很有趣而的事情。可能这就是中国和加拿大教育体制的不同吧。
          • the gifted class is very very different from the 少年班.
            In 少年班, the children were asked or say forced to do or learn something not suitable for them in their age, mentally or phycologically....

            But in gifted class, children are still children, they are not forced to finish Grade 12 lessons in a shorter period. They just have more time and more opportunities to learn more interesting things.....do you have a child here in school? If yes, I think you should have an overview what kind of works children are doing here.....really enjoyable....play to learn and learn to play....even OAC..
            • 也许不一样,谢谢
        • 有了这些少年班或天才班,那么没有在这个班的学生也许就会被看成是弱智的学生吧?你可要知道,家长都是希望自己的孩子不比别的孩子差的,这样必然兴起一股考少年班的热潮,必然影响孩子的正常的发育。
          • 仁者见仁,智者见智吧,不过我还是保留我的观点。
          • Here is Canada, not China. Canadian people doesn't care about other people's thing...
            • 你说对了一半,攀比是中国家长的劣性之一,望子成龙吗。
              • I think the majority here is still local canadian, right?
                • 你说得地对,华人是很少的一个部分
                • but in the gifted class, more than 50% are Asian---CKJ and Indian
    • 一年级就有啊。
      我儿子一年级参加了一个考试,好象考数学、阅读、逻辑推理(忘记那词了,反正就这意思),他的数学、阅读在TOP5%,逻辑推理在TOP1%,进了“THE GIFTED AND TALENTED GROUP“,不过一周只有一次,平时还在原来的班级。那个GROUP另有3个三年级的学生,都是来自中国。
      • 一个是隶属学校的,一个是隶属教育局的,可能不一样吧?
        • 请教DX如何得知是隶属学校的还是隶属教育局的,他们年级就一个人参加了这项考试,所谓1%、5%是根据所有参加这项考试的同龄学生通计。学校哪里有资源自己办班,都是向教育局申请额外拨款的。
          • 对不起,也许我不太了解你的小孩情况。但是,我曾经前后3次和校长咨询和探讨过天才班的课程,,他很肯定地告诉我们:1.天才班一定是3年级以后才可以考:2.有些私校的program和公校是不同的。
            请问; 你的小孩是上的哪个学校?也许我可以到教育局在咨询一次。
    • 好多人(尤其华人)都眼热这个天才班。不知哪位DX的小宝宝也在其中?给我们大家讲讲亲身体验,切身感觉如何?
      • 还都不到年龄呢!
    • 哎,饶了孩子吧! 小孩自然成长,树大自然直。
    • I just read an article, about the education in USA. Very helpful for our chinese to peak in what is the education in USA, and Canada as well. Because my daughter did the same homework from Grade 3.
      • and in the gifted classes, students have more this kind of homework. But quite sorry, my daughter is not in the gifted class.
    • 我有两个朋友,他们的孩子同岁(11),一个在加州上天才班,一个在纽约上私立学校。去年春假纽约的孩子来加州玩,才发现天才班比起私立学校来跟本不是一个级别。