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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 请教各位DX,看中一部私人车主的车,但他一个多月后才能交车给我。而且他要求我现在付10%的定金。如果一个月后我不买的话,定金不退,我觉得有问题。请过来人提点意见。
    • 要是这一个月中,汽车又出了什么大问题,谁负责呀,你还是想想吧。
    • It is better NOT do that. reasons: 1)Honest will not have critical conditions. He should be happy unless it is underrated. 2)Do you know what happens to "your" car, another words, he can give you junks finally.
    • I did the same thing when I bought the car I am driving now. Although we wrote a contract, but I was worring about the car until I got it. So if it is not a really good deal, do not do such thing.
    • 谢谢大家。我们的合约,1。交车时检查一下,如果空调, 录音机,灯有问题,他出钱修理,其他不管。2。如果引擎,换档出了问题,或出现了1000元以上的损坏,我可以不买,其他情况不买则定金不退 3。交$600定金。大家觉得合理吗?
      • 直观的感觉是,这个车主不是什么好鸟,还是不要买的好,不要付定金,付了定金你就被动了。在加拿大办事情,请你一定要小心,新移民吃亏上当的例子太多了,好的二手车有多是。
    • If he dissapear, if he own a debt and the car is hold by court. If he dead in accident. forget about it. There are tons cars.
    • Don't give the seller deposit. You got the money, I got the car. That is simple. Don't make the thing complicate to save your trouble. Just tell the seller: no deposit, when your car is ready for sale in a month , give me a call.
    • Are you crazy? One month for a USED CAR? I believe it never happens in Canada.