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  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 朋友们,请问SHERBONE 和WELLELEY 那一带的治安好不好? 住那边的公寓好么?谢谢.
    • Sorry, tyro mistakes, shall be sherbourne and wellesley.
    • Not too bad. I'd been living there for more than a year. You have to be used to so many "dark" (not totally black) faces there.
      But keep in mind don't go further south of Wellesley (near Dundas/Shernourne) in the nights.

      Also the Church/Wellsley area is the so called "gay" area and "red light" area. It's not unsafe in that area but you may feel disturbing.

      The area near Sherbourne/Bloor (south of Wellesley) is not bad at all.
      • Thanks, the place is near Sherbourne/Bloor. so it might be not that bad.
      • By the way, Yukon, I still have no better idea of your point of "further south of Wellesley, is that Wellesley supposed to be a East -west street but not north-south street? Thanks.
        • is your apartment 565 or 545 ,555 sherbourn street? Ha, because I have been there for a while. It is very convienient and not bad if you don't have child. and the management company is good.
    • Since both of you have jobs, you should consider spend 100-200 bucks more per month to rent the apartment in North York or midtown. You could get much better environment than Sherburne/Wellesley area.
      • Yes, logically you are right, Fiona. It's just because my work place is at the west of Toronto. Since I don't like the environment there, therefore, I am thinking of picking the place near subway and near the company.
        For my husband it doesn't care as he is working right in the downtown (near Union station).
        • That place looks dirty. I was told there are mice in the apartments. Anyway, that's your business. :)
          • Thanks, Fiona. I have asked my collegues and like what you said,
            they told me this is a place with a lot of trouble. So I am gonna give up and start to search other place. BTW,找房子真痛苦啊.
          • 你真的是专家了,我想再问一下,是不是一般的APARTMENT都要求1年或半年的租约,如果要提前搬走,就需要想linmeimei那样去找续租的人啊?
            • 如果是直接和管理公司签约,多数是一年,个别是半年。至于sublease,我没经验,但前几天linmeimei的贴子讲得挺清楚了。
            • 其实我想哪个想找downtown公寓的人都知道Sherburne/Wellesley 那一带。价格便宜(从网站上索引搜索几乎是最便宜的),交通方便(接近两条地铁线的交点)。我来的第一个月就去那一片转过,Sherburne,Jarvis, Church都走过一下。

              • 谢谢你,FIONA,You are so warm-hearted.