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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 涨房租了,有一个Notice of Rent Increase Form, 需不需要Sign, 然后交回去?表上说:
    Please inform us whether or not you plan ot renew your current Tenancy Agreement within XX days of the date of this notice by completing Section A or B, signing it, and returning the white copy to us. Signing Section A will serve as a renewal of the said Tenancy Agreement for a term of 12 months, expiring the XX day of XXXX upon the same terms and conditions as your current Tenancy Agreement but at the new rent. 过几个月我可能会搬家,需要renew吗? 谢谢。
    • 不交回去就自动变成"month-to-month", 如果要搬走提前2个月通知就行。
    • 我怎么认为不交回去就表示你要搬走, 交回去是renew lease, 一般应该变成"month-to-month". (He's already been there a year)
      • 法律规定只有书面通知Rent Office才表示你要搬走,如果renew就又是一年了。(我们的rental Office是这样说的, 最好自己去问清楚。)
      • 我遇到同样的情况, LANDLORD说只要在应涨房钱的那个月交新房租,同时补交last month rent pay 应交的余额即可。无需sign renew lease.
    • 不用理他,按新房租交钱就是。