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  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / 谁知道Toronto有哪个台是中文台,月费多少,父母要来,准备加一个。今天问Rogers说最近搞促销,原价30多的中文台本周开只需20,还说中文台是国语和广东话混合的。
    • that's depend, here in scarb. it's included in the basic package. you can switch between Cant. and Mand. on most program. or you can inatall a Satelitte for CCTV4 around $300. I think CCTV4 has a better program.
      • 1. 不是在basic package, it is in the PLUS package, you need to add another $7-8 for this. 2.目前国语的节目越来越多,但主要体现在电视连续剧上.他们可以双语切换.另外,每天有三段国语新闻.
        • 萝卜秧,我很好奇,你为什么叫这个名字?萝卜是没有秧的,有萝卜缨。
          • 萝卜很小的时侯,只有叶子,绿绿的,应该可以叫秧。