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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / question on httpsd.conf file in Apache + OpenSSL
    I built openSSL_0.9.6b and Apache (Apache_1.3.22+ssl_1.45 patch) on a FreeBSD box successfully, but when I
    "../httpsdctl start"
    the server does not start: "/usr/local/apache/bin/httpsdctl start: httpsd could not be started"

    if I use apachectl start, it works fine, I check the error_log file, it said:

    "[Wed Jan xx xx:xx:xx 2002] [crit] Required SSLCacheServerPort missing".

    so what do i need to do with httpsd.conf, what should i add in?

    • You need to add SSLCacheServerPort in your httpsd.conf file. It can be a number (TCP port) or a fully qualified file name (unix domain socket).
      Just curious, any reason why you don't want to use apache13-modssl in the ports tree?
      • thx Dennis, my apache1.3.22 is up and runing so i need ssl add on to it. yes It works after i add those SSL directives
        but any diffrent if i put SSLCacheServerPort port number 12345 or something else like 12346 and even 443?
        • Should have no difference for 12345 or 12346 except 443 because that'll be bound to httpds.
          I'm not quite familiar with apache-ssl, I use apache-modssl. But I guess that gcache thing is similar to SSLSessionCache in modssl. Also for security reason, better use unix domain socket with proper permission instead of a tcp port.
          • Thank you, I see.
          • mod_ssl seem to be a better solution.I have found Apache and Mod_ssl might not compatible.
            • "I have found Apache and Mod_ssl might not compatible." -- Huh? I don't understand. Can you elabourate?
              • I can not reinstall apache.I compiled mod_ssl alone, and I found I can not start apche with mod_ssl. I recompile both mod_ssl and apache and they work fine.
                • Mod_ssl needs to patch the apache source with EAPI (which is required by mod_ssl). That's why you can't compile mod_ssl alone without patching the apache source.
                  Mod_ssl will be included in Apache 2, so the hassle will be gone by then.
                  • It is possible.
    • Why not use IBM HTTP Server? It's Apache + SSL, and it's FREE!
      • Huh? Do you mean that why not use IBM HTTP Server (which is based on Apache+SSL) instead of Apache+SSL? And Apache + SSL is not free?