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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / Hi Sailor. I am shocked to read your reply to an inquiry regarding “求学者从CANADA TRANSFER TO USA”You said it would be extremely difficult. My situation is different and I'd ike to seek your advice. Please see contents for details. Thank you!!!
    我的情况是:正在申请CANADA技术移民,同时有望获USA的入学通知。并没有申请CANADA的学校,希望在LANDING之后去USA念工科硕士。是否需要办理RETURN PERMIT?不知这样是否也是困难重重?
    • 这个俺也不清楚哦...我的信息也是朋友间传来传去的,自己没经历过。
    • 不会吧,念书应该很容易办到return permit的,理由正大光明。而且美加边境出入很方便的。
      • If you had registered a foreign univ before you landed, a PRR could be got easily.
        • But that means I would have got the US visa and reported to the school, right? What I really want to do is to apply for the US visa after landing. Do you think if that is very difficult? Thanks so much!
          • I think your idea is good
            , and applying for F1 visa in Canada should be easier than that in China.
            I don't think people at US embassy/consulate
            in Canada would care your status in Canada.

            And as I know, it's harder to get landed in Canada from US since you need to make Canadian immigration officer believe that you will really reside in Canada, otherwise they may kick you back.