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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 房东要扣掉我一个月的deposit,请问这是合理的吗?
    • 急 急 急
      • 在温哥华只需半个月的deposit ,如果房东扣了你的deposit ,你可以再多住半个月。
    • 当然不合理.你已经依法提前一个月告诉他你要走了,他没有理由扣押你的deposit.而且deposit为什么要交2个月,通常都是1个月的?你的房东他是不是早想好今天了?
      • 请教,我现在该如何解决?
        • 你应该可以告他的.但是我不知道怎么处理的.要不你找找前几天有人发过的关于房子方面的投诉问题的贴子,或者等高人来解释吧.
        • if you did give him 1 month notice in advance, go to housing tribunal to file application.
          sue your landlord that he owns you money.
          tell your landlord you will do that and if you win,
          he will pay another 45 application fee.

          you will win at any condition unless you did not give him
          one month notice or you have contract says you must give
          him 2 months notice.

          but I'm afraid that you did not give him notice with enough
          time or you already signed a contract with him that says you
          must give 2 months notice.
          • 我已经提前一个月告诉他了。但是我和他只有一张便条,内容就是“现收到某某两个月房租押金”,这能算是renting contract吗?
            • 算。没有任何字据的都算,何况这个。

      • 多伦多的deposit是1个月? 温哥华只需半个月的deposit
    • according the by-law of the city, the landlord can only hold 1 month rent as deposit, which is called last month deposit.
      now you print out city by-law and tell him you want to sue him at the
      house tribunal,and you will with no doubt and he will pay 45 bucks if
      you win.

      if he is scared, make a deal with him: he gives you all money and
      lets you go, you don't sue him. otherwise, sue him and leave him
      a black spot in tribunal.

      one thing you have to do right now, you should give him written notice
      with third party witnessed.

      carefully make your notes, give enough notice.

      good luck!
      • written notice with third party witnessed. 具体是什么意思呢?该怎么写?
        • 具体这样
          Notice of termination

          I want to terminate the rent on 3/1/2001.


          anyone who see you give this notice to landlord


          • 谢!!
          • 告房东是万不得已的办法,但是会不会落实呢?比如象国内赢的官司赔了钱
          • 昨天我和房东商量,广告费和卫生费由我出,depodit扣200(我在他那里压了1400,我每月的房租是700)。
    • 好像应该是提前60天通知
      • Royal bank - it's not bad.Why not ask your agent to help you find a proper bank.
    • Did you sign a lease?
    • 安省的租房条例规定一般是两个的书面提前通知,无论是房东让你走还是你自己提出。但很多人都用一个月,关键看当初是怎么协商的。扣住一个月的押金绝对不合理,但是如果你们当初没有书面协定的话,这事情还不好办。
    • 你搬进来时跟房东有什么口头或笔头协议?他有没有要求你至少住一年或半年?如果是,那么你只住一个月就退租,至少应交两、三百元罚款,以支付房东的广告费和清洁费等等。但以整月房租支付,似乎太高了。
      • 搬进来时只是口头上说了我会至少住满半年,但没有笔头协议。
        • 既然有口头协议,还是遵守为好。你只能好好谈谈,讲讲条件。比如,你把房间收拾得跟新的一样;又如,你负责登广告找房客;等等。尽量少赔些钱吧。
    • 1. "和房东到招呼" is not enough, u have to provide your landlord a written notice.
      During a fixed-term tenancy agreement, a tenant who wants to end (or "terminate") a monthly, yearly, or any other tenancy must give proper written notice.
    • 2. try to find the loophole about Security Deposit here:--"交了首月房租和2个月的deposit"
      By law the amount for the security deposit is limited to the rent for one rental period, ie. one week, one month, etc., up to a maximum of one month. A security deposit must not exceed the rent for one month, even if the rental period is longer than one month.
    • 3. subletting: one way to reduce your loss.
      A tenant is allowed to sublet, assign or otherwise part with possession of a rental dwelling.
    • 4. any further related question, u may call Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal: TORONTO Toll-free: 1-800-668-9938
    • 我不知道你的房东为什么收你两个月的deposit, 这是非常错误的做法
      • 后来房东对我说,是因为我没有报税,而且但是搬进是没有出具工作证明。他还说,收半年的depist的也有。