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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我想请问成绩单是不是非得密封在信封里,我是托人帮我办的,成绩单都是一张一张。现在学校已经放假,再办也来不及了。请问大家都是怎么处理的。
    • 请看我的经验
      来之前就办好了10份,后来发现不够用了,就托在国内的同学到学校的档案处开了几份,包括成绩单,学位证书,学历证书(以上乘以2,因为都有中英文的),然后买些学校的official envelope,放进去,每个信封里共有6份文件。然后再请学校在封口处盖个章,¥5一个,寄出来就行了。我想学校不会鸡婆到一定要他们自己寄的地步!

      • 咱那个学校,不提也罢,一月九号就开始停办这些手续了。 Anyway , Thanks a lot.
      • The university I'm applying requires the attesting copies of degree certificate from uni.from China,how to do it?
        • Come on in...
          I believe you're meaning the "official copies of credentials", right? Think of those documents with an official stamp on each paper. That'll be OK. Actually, every piece of paper in my documents is stamped with an official seal by my previous university.
          • Thanks.But stamps are general or special steel ones?
            • General (red) would be OK. You should ask your school, not me......:))))))