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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / You surely can enjoy your own life, peaceful and lonely. But you're just garbage if you don't respect yourself, your own race, your own culture.
    • 这句话我非常同意。
    • the question is, how can we define our race and culture? can u give us any clue?
      • You can not define your race and culture? Seem the government of Canada is crazy for the multi-culure policy. Why they are so generous to encourage people keep their own culture when you do not know what is it?
    • 如果一个人在没有损害别人的利益的情况下获得生活的幸福,这就是幸福,如果对应的 群体和社会(包括文化)是有效促成这种情况的发生,就是先进的群体和社会。