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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 请问 eglington david lumlum Rollor wjiang 等大侠,能否提供几所好的中学以及他们的相对地区. 就算看在那句名言的份上。请务必帮忙, 谢谢。
    请提供几所好的中学以及他们相对的地区, 租哪几间公寓才有资格进入?需要面试吗?或者需要提供其他的材料。我大概会在四月底登陆,不过这次只是2个星期就会回来,最后的登陆应该在8月初。非常希望能认识各位。谢谢。
    • Sorry, 我们还都没有需要考虑中学问题的时候,这个问题是在不敢乱说。
    • 北约克的学校据说比别的地方好,其中“Earl Haig SS”号称是多伦多最好的公立学校,甚至好于私立学校。它周围的地区称为名校区,住在此区内任何建筑里都可以送孩子上这个学校,范围原来是在YONGE-FINCH-DON MILLS-401之间。现在好像YONGE西边也可以了。
      • 听说是Bayview(或Leslie)以西,north of Finch but south of Steels. If at the east if Leslie, there is another one called A.Y. Jackson, east of Leslie but west of DVP.
        • Thank you. You must be right, somehow, Earl Haig is at the south of Finch.
      • Another most famouse school is called A.Y. Jackson. You can check http://www.tdsb.on.ca to find which school is allocated for your location.
    • 我也没有经验,对不起。
    • Sorry, I have no idea. Can't help you. ^_^ But where you will live is one very important factor. Pls refer to Rollor's suggestion.
      • 谢谢各位,你们真的是有求必应。世界会因有你们而精彩。
        • You are welcome. ^_^
    • High School? Let the kid do research himself.
      • upper canada college.
        • upper canada college?
          • yes, but for boys only.