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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 准备申请返加证,需提供landing paper原件,请问是否可以用公证件代替。主要有两方面考虑:1.怕寄丢 2. 担心被拒,而等原件寄回时,已超过了183天的限制(我现在离183天限制还剩大约3个月)
    • 有人知道吗?望不吝赐教。时间一天天紧迫,为这事着急。谢了!
      • Don't worry about that. I just present copy of my original documents and now get an answer to ask me have an interview.
        • Thank you so much! Could you tell me how long it takes to get the interview request after submitting your application.
    • I don't remember CIC requires original Landing Paper. You may ask them if notorized copy is good enough...
      • Thanks! Anybody know more about this issue?