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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 小孩今年升SENIOR KINDERGARTEN。学校发个通知,说可以选择参加法语班。法语班在另一所学校开,全部法语教学,SENIOR毕业可以流利法语。各位前辈,有何建议?(TORONTO)

    小孩今年升SENIOR KINDERGARTEN。学校发个通知,说可以选择参加法语班。法语班在另一所学校开,全部法语教学,SENIOR毕业可以流利法语。各位前辈,有何建议?
    • 让小孩学法语干嘛?精通中文和英语就行了。
    • 当年进大学时老师也说学日语和英语一样(潜台词“有前途”),结果害得我英语落后10年。至今,悔啊,悔!
    • 最好去学.
    • My neighbour who is teaching French in public school suggests my son to take such kind of French class. By the way, my neighbour is a CBC, but can not speak Chinese.
      • 不知道SENIOR毕业后法语程度如何。如果还可以的话,再转回英语上小学。两不耽误,启不很美?就是担心:1 英语耽误了。2 法语半道上。小学我是肯定不让他用法语的。所以,

        另外,如果英语到家,将来学法语是不是容易呢?想像当中应该似乎就相会了普通话再去学陕西话,I don't know 是否正确。
        不知道SENIOR毕业后法语程度如何。如果还可以的话,再转回英语上小学。两不耽误,启不很美?就是担心:1 英语耽误了。2 法语半道上。小学我是肯定不让他用法语的。所以,
        • Maybe we talked about different French class. What my neighbour told me is taking the half day public school(English) as usual, and taking the afternoon French class as an addition (also in public school).
          • You are right. Different. What I'm talking is: Early French Immersion Program. In which, they will take the whole day in public school(French). They will NOT go to English public school. The only language
            used in the school is French. Not billingle.
            They'll learn English in Grade 3(?) or so. The overall aim of French Immersion programs as stated in the Department of Education's Policy Statement on French Immersion is:

            "To provide students with an educational program
            consistent with the aims and objectives of education
            in Newfoundland and Labrador which will enable them
            to function in French upon completion of high school."
    • 小孩子语言能力很强,到双语学校对他的大脑发育有好处。
      • tks. However, not billingle. They learn French only. At least in the first 3 years, the only language they speak is French. After 3 years, they may have some English classes.
        All the students and teachers will speak only French in the school. All the courses (including maths, arts, musics, ...) are instructed by the French instructor. The students live in a French environment.

        They may have English class to learn English as a language.

        Not billingal. That's what I am concerning seriously.
        • 这可得好好想想。会不会以后法语象母语一样好,英语是外语水平?如果孩子中途转学怎么办?开家长会时说法语还是英语?
          • 跟家长应该说英语。他们的目标是:在家里不说法语的孩子。中途可以转学英语学校。
          • "家长会" should not be a problem since it is targteted at family whoes first language is not French.
        • 上, 以后讲出来的英文都带巴黎音, 特N
          • It is going to be Quabec English. Not Paris English :)
            • 管他哪里, 反正就是牛.
    • I know some canadian familiy send kids to shool like that but kids can speak english at home.
      The only issue will be your kids would not speak English at home. So it may not be the best. However, French is much complete than English. If someone knows French, English is easier but not vise versa. Right now, the real Biblingle(spl) Canadian I met all have French as first language. Hmm, my question is why youwant your kids speak fluent French? It only good for government job.
      • 我就是想,趁小孩小,多学点东西.如果1年SENIOR能学个不错的法语,上小学的时候转回英语学校又不耽误英语,那不是挺美?如果1年只能学个我们现在英语的水平,我就不愿意他去这个法语PROGRAM了.
        • Normally, English school teach French too. Not very good though.
          A lot of kids' French from English school are probably as broken as our English :). If you really want your kid to be good at in French, maybe he/she can just go through elementary education in French program and then go to normal English middle school. It's a little bit demanding for the kid but it may worth a try. However, when the kid go to the French School, you have to make sure after school he can mingle easily with English spoken kids and thus when he/she ba back to English school, at least they can talk English without accent.
      • Agree with you. I will not send my kids to French Immersion Program.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛前段时间也面临同样的选择,但是细细分析下来,很容易就得出了结论。


        1。 这种技能真的很重要,很有市场吗?
        -- 就加拿大而言,法语主要在东部有些影响和市场。在温哥华时除了商品包装上同时有法语,我几乎感觉不到它的影响。相反,中文在西部是第二大商业语言。有的ATM机开始就有语言选择,中文或英文,而非英文或法语。到了东部,感到了它的存在,不少同事也或多或少会说些法语,但是SO WHAT?
        -- 就北美而言,说西班牙语的人口仅次于说英语的。
        -- 就长远而言,中文必定会成为加拿大第二商业语言。相信在我的有生之年可以看到这一天。
        -- 就法语本身而言,加国的法语和法国的法语差别太大。和从法国去魁省的人曾经好好探讨过,略知其差别何在。在此恕不赘言其优次,离魁省太近,怕砖头!
        -- 就IMMERSION PROGRAM本身而言,除了法语方面给孩子多一些优势外,其它方面实在有限。就在两三个月前,安省有个这方面的成绩对比,法语学校学生只是在法语以及另一insignificant area优于英语学校外,其它方面明显落后。
        -- 就学生自己而言,overall speaking, 加国的公共教育不能使孩子达到出类拔萃的境界。不要以为孩子在学校能和同学流利交流就没问题了。语言技能有不同层次。要想达到高层次,课外辅导(来自家长或补习班)十分有必要。如果家长自己对法语一窍不通,可想而知。


        我很实际,因为这是一个实际的社会。我希望我的孩子们出类拔萃,because I have been rewarded of being excellent, and the reward is really great.

        但是我想我和我的父母有一点不同的是,我的父母一直把我培养成be the best. 但是我的目标是把我的孩子们培养成be the best of youself.

        有砖头就扔吧,有玉也别吝啬!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Good suggestion. I should think about it seriously. thank you!
        • I like your thought. Thanks for sharing.
    • 不赞成。见到太多会说除英语外第二外语的孩子,到加拿大后半年不用,就把流利的第二外语忘得差不多了。