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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / 我用的Smypatico DSL最高下载速度为360bps,Bell的网站宣称可达960bps,差别如此之大!不知你们的速度如何?
    • I've had one time with 3 download windows each with the speed of 71kBps, but only once. Most of the time 2x40kBps is the best. Single download sometimes can be over 70kBps.
      • KB, not kbps, otherwise it's even worse than dial-up, and I dont think you can stand it.
    • It is about 200K-300KBps within North America.
      • 不会是cable或其它公司的DSL吧?
        • 我用的是bell sympatico,按照它的宣传所说的应该是dial up(28.8 k)的一百倍,我用cuteftp下载大文件测试,基本可以达到这个速度, Cable的实际速度比adsl慢,因为它是跟一个区域的所有用户共享2M左右的带宽,如果只有一个人上网就快,如果有几十个用户上网就很难超过100K
          • 肯定到不了理论速度的。用Cable我最快是到了430K左右。平时一般是在200多。CABLE的下行应该是10MB共享吧?100随便上的了。
          • 对不起,数字后少打了K,应为360Kbps和960Kbps。Bell sympatico的宣传所说的应该是dial up(28.8 k)的30倍,见http://bell.sympatico.ca/DynamicContentServlet.dyn?/english/hse/faq.html#q17
          • exactly! the bigger the file, the faster the transfer speed.
      • 吹牛吧?要么把Bps和bps搞混了吧?两者差十倍的哦。记得搞DSL的专家yunflier(yunzhang)在#31162中讲过Bell DSL的理论极限是1.5Mbps,约合150KBps。
        • you are wrong, Bps is equal to bps:bit per second.
          • Bps=Bytes per second; bps=bits per second 1Byte=8bits for pure data; while tranfering, add 1~2 bits for error control So, there are 10 times difference between Bps and bps.
            • In asynchronous transfer, the transfer speed is bit-oriented:BPS=bps=Bps. There is no sense for byte per second. However ,you calculation is partially right .
              For example, if the transfer protocol is 7bits data, no parity check bit, sending 1 byte will occupy 9 bits(ncluding 1 start bit and 1 stop bit)
              • agree with you.
            • And my company is the world's largest ADSL provider, so I thought I am quite familiar with the communication principle.
              • 请问你公司是世界上最大的ADSL设备供应商还是ADSL服务供应商? 如果是前者,就不要自以为懂完了,从理论到技术到设备到工程实现到最终的服务,中间是有差距的
                • even you are an expert as you claimed, you don't have to be so rude. at least real expert doesn't.
                • 所以我说理论速度是无法达到的.更何况isp为了节约成本,会在设备端限制带宽.200-300kbps是正常的
        • Hi, I tested both under win98, if Bytes, it's shown as KB/second; if bit, it's shown as kbps. hehe
    • 在North America 我这里的速度最高也就120多K (FlashGet) DSL的速度不是说与家里和BELL WORLD的距离有关么
      • possible. mine was usually ~500kbps, sometimes 700kbps, and last weekend it was 999kbps. But last night it was only 100kbps when connecting to etang.
        • by the way, I believe one of Bell's operating center is within 100m to my home.
    • poor you. my machine's highest speed is 999kbps, and I am using two machines hooked with dsl line by a hub at home.
      • My test: I just tried to d/l a 36MBytes file, the highest speed was 589kbps. But I feel sympatico is kinda unstable from last night, especially when I was using oicq. what I want to say is that the 'sending message' often got frozen for a while
        • 那么快?!
          • yes^-^ and I am using that path file mentioned to you earlier today.
            • 厉害,在cable上面我始终没有突破600K。不过装cable有个好处是可以看免费的电视 ;)
              • really? the TV service is included in that 40$ charge???wuwu, you make me want it too!
                • 不会啊,光是上网Basic Cable就有40多个台可以看了。不用另外交钱。
          • patch, not path, blush, hands too tired after washing some clothes, hehe.
    • Do you guys want to try this patch? http://www.speedguide.net/index.shtml, I believe it increased the speed at leat 10kBytes/s on my machine.
    • my bandwidth is always 1.2Mbps when I download a file from microsoft, why?
      it take me 5'20'' to gt the whole file.
      • maybe your registry setting is slightly different? I tried, at11:40pm EST, it's 80+KB/second for me.
        • I think we are talking about the different things
          1.2Mbps is from the access manager, try it
          • hehe, I think you don't know what I am talking about. What do you think access manager is? hehe.
          • For your information, EVERYBODY is using access manager if the service is HSE from sympatico.