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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / CGA在加拿大有用吗?
    我们全家也要移民在即了。最近在网上看到了canada 有CGA注册会计师,国内有培训。不知道在加国这个证书是否有用?想等于国内的啥水平?
    • Of course! Try to get it!
      • 能不能在具体点?
      • Where are U now,小雪?Are you in Canada now? Could you explain it more detailly?
        According to the information from the CGA intruction, you can get the bachalor degree of University of Calgary after you complete the program. If that is the case, it should be an accountant, not like the CPA certification in China.
        • I am in Toronto.
          I took a lecture yesterday. The lecturer is a CGA and she got it when she was in China (DUI WAI JING MAO DA XUE). She said she got a job in a month after she landed in Toronto. It's exciting, isn't it? I have her email address but it's not on hand. I'll tell you this evening or tomorrow. BTW, I'm not an accountant. Good luck!
      • Xiao Xue, could you describe the process of CGA? How long will it take? Which level can be transfered to if have a bachalor degree of Finance.
        • Sorry, I don't know the detailed information. Do you need the email of a CGA? You can ask her.
          • Yes, please give me her email. thanks a lot
            • I'll email you tomorrow.
        • Some information about CGA
          You can contact CGA study center by browsing the following address:
        • I've sent you 2 emails. Have you received them?
          • Yes, I have received the second mail, but they don't know the question I concern, I am still confused.