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  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / Be careful ,if any boy knows some girl on the internet. All girls on the internet are cheaters. TOday i was cheated again by a girl. All boys , be careful!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • thx for the notice, be careful next time!
      • Why i never met with good girls?
        • Maybe for you a not a goog person//hehe
          • We didn't see each other, how come she knows that i am not a good boy. That means that from the beginning she cheated me.
            • BE SMART!!!
      • Thank you for your message. I will be careful next time, No, no next time. if you have good girl introduce some to me.
        • #363633
        • a lot girls are the same condition as the one showing above, don't expect too much from the internet
          even though there may be beauty queen, they usually are reserved
    • 不明白. 什么样的女孩才是美丽? Or let me rephrase,什么是不算Chou(3)? Are all the boys on the internet so handsome? Why do they make such a big fuss over the looking of girls?
      • Calm down. I only can see that you seem not so happy when you meet some boys, right? Maybe you are not so pretty. That is the reason. I am just guessing. Sorry.
        • 噢,原来一直是这么说话的,难怪酱子的遭遇。
          • 没看懂啊。
    • 那也不一定,去年去上海那边,无锡的一位网友姐姐就很好,当导游带我玩了2天;也认识一个南充和广州的女孩,开口就说自己怎么怎么不幸,要钱。。。
      • 你给钱了吗?最好别给,不然性质就变了
        • 一针见血
          • 要发票,回来抵税也行
        • 你不是说帮我给吗?反正她们说以后和你练习,我就没再答理
      • Maybe you can meet some good girls in China, but not in Canada.
        • Faint!! 我不是搞女权主义,但的确愤愤
          • thank you for your agreements. Happy chinse new year!
    • 男的CHEATER更多!我出国前在报上看见一条新闻,有个女中学生在网上和一个男性网友聊得很投机,据说都喜欢文学:-)后来约了见面,才发现那男的是个“外地民工模样的人”(转述原文,无他意),想甩也甩不掉,最后找警察才解决
      • 9494, 想搞网恋的都要有心理准备哦,自己辨别能力不清,能愿谁呢?
        • yes, you are right. It is only you to blame, nobody else. I will be careful next time. thank you for your kindness. Good luck to you! Happy chinese new year!
      • I can understand how you feel, maybe you have the same feeling as i have. So let us be careful in the future. Good luck to you.
    • 学生多的地方,来源相对比较单纯。
      • What you wrote is just like the meaning of your name? The cheater is just a student in college. I never expect too much , just have a meeting to see if we can be friend in the future. that is it, nothing else.
        But fact testified that i was wrong.
        So please be careful, don't expect too much for student!!!!!
        • 这事儿啊,要从娃娃抓起,college里面的有几个没点背景。俺从来不惹college的女生,惹不起啊,弄不好还倒栽一吧。
          • 这个是自己的心态问题。学生不一定就是college程度。成功的例子很多,连这个坛子上都有。
        • 你这人还真是不能容忍不同意见,攻击性也挺强,是成年人吧?说话前多想两遍。呵呵。
          • I have already considered it a lot before i spoke out. I don't know what is your principal of " grown people "?
        • "just have a meeting to see if we can be friend in the future. that is it, nothing else. " really? nothing else? not even a little bit?
          • trust me, nothing else. If you have something else only after you see each other? Right?
    • 网络只是认识朋友的另外一个途径而已,纯粹网上的date我觉得没有任何意义,还是走到现实中吧。我身边的朋友就有通过网上认识,后来结婚的,他们也很幸福的。
      • I just want to make good friends, nothing else. I never call it a date when i meet some girls on the internet. Like your friends, i think they must know each other first before they are get married.
        • 既然你只想交个一般朋友,没别的想法,那还有什么欺骗不欺骗的,不明白了。
          • But time is priceless.
            I went to her school and made a lot of calls to her . She didn't turn on her phone. She told me that when i got to her school and call her at that time.
            It cost me almost one hour. When you got there , she was not there. At least it wasted me one hour.
      • 就是咱们rolia上,我就知道有几对,是从网络上认识并走到一起的,祝天下有情人终成眷属。
    • 学生怎么了?为什么就不能有好人呢?真的好奇怪哦!我觉得如果你和一个人网络上认识的,你对这个人会有一种不一样的理解,那种感觉往往很感性,所以就要你自己有敏感的心去对待。好象不是每个人都被骗吧?不想想自己的问题吗?
      • What is my problems? I am innercent. We had a meeting as promised , but she did not show up. I was told to call her
        when i got there, but she didn't turn on her phone. What is my problems? If you were me in that situation, what would you
        • 别激动。我没有指责你的意思。
          • Hi, you are really a great people. I admire you very much and I will remember everything you said to me. Thank you for your kindness! Happy chinese to you,too! I will recover from that. Thank you!
    • Well, first, you must be bored enough in your life to mack girls on line. second, you are stupid enough to trust them. So blame on yourself.
      • Yes, you are right. It is only myself to blame. But please give some "face", don't say it too straightly. Show some merciness to me please . thank you.
        • 你总会找到心怡的女孩的,马年好运。
          • Thank you for your good wish to me! Happy chinese new year! good luck! Kind people will get good return.