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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / DSL, Router的几个问题。
    我用的Bell HSE速度只有204kbps(以其自测下载速度为准,网址http://fastweb.sympatico.ca/test/ontario/en.html),会不会与我不用Access Manager有关?我是通过一个Router上网的,在Router上设用户名,密码,选PPPoE连接。难道我的线路真的很糟?

    另外,我无法做到通过设置我的Netgear Router(RT314),使多台电脑能收看RealPlay播放的新闻。Netgear的人告诉我,通过设置Port forward到某一特定端口(电脑),即可,但只能通一台电脑。谁有高招?

    • I didn't use a router. I use SyGate v4.0. My two PCs connect to a hub. The primay connects to the DSL modem. RealPlayer is not a problem on both PCs.
      • I only use one DSL modem, one hub, and cables to have two machine running win98 and sympatico access manager. Nothing else.
    • I'll test it tonight
    • my test
      952 kilobits/sec,940 kilobits/sec,945 kilobits/sec