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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 遇到点麻烦,给大家提个醒,也想征求一下对策
    遇到点麻烦,给大家提个醒,也想征求一下对策。去年年底为买车租了辆旧车,就是在TORONTO STAR上找的那种便宜的租车公司,叫FLEET RENT A CAR LTD.,在1111 FINCH AVENUE WEST。交了$500的押金,还车时告诉我30个工作日后还,当时也没觉得有问题。今天打电话要钱,告诉我现在没钱,钱都被政府收走了,要再等6个月。问为什么被政府拿走了,说他也不知道,摆明了想赖帐,然后就把电话挂了。我手头倒是有租车和押金的收据等,但这种事应该找什么部门投诉,大家给出点主意?以后大家也要当心这种事情啊。
    • UP!
    • 要我就建议你上小额法庭。不过也不能指望很快把钱拿回来,如果他们真的是申请破产,那你还真没办法。
      • 给点细节?比如怎么上小额法庭,不用再请律师吧,真的一点概念都没有,多谢了!感觉他们简直就是骗子,但这种公司很多,都是骗子?还是我运气好?!并祝大家春节快乐,包括我
    • Go to small court, probably you need a procedure called "mediatiate" brfore going to court. I don't know where it locates, but they definately will reimburse you later, they are rascal, jerk...
      • Small court -- 100$, you plianstiff pay first, then who lose the case who should pay that money. Mediation, no charge. 1-2 months. If mediation said you win but they refuse to pay, ask damages for more (plus $100 - $500)
    • You were cheated. I am never asked to give the deposit to rent a car. I do not think that you can get money back. It take time and need money to fight in the court. Yo had a lesson.