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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / My feeling
    I am so upset tonight, this weekend, like almost all the weekend, boring,
    endless boring. I just like a boat sailing without direction , without moonlight. Sometimes I just feel so upset, especially at the weekend, don`t know why.
    I can not see a person around me.
    • wait a moment, moon river. do you feel upset or sad or lost? I guess you mean sad.
      • What`s difference between `upset` and `sad`?
        • upset: if somebody treats you unfair, you feel upset. sad: emotionally depressed. You can use depressed, or sad, or in bad mode. By the way, I have asked you one million three thousands of times to join our gathering, why don't you just do that?
          • 1003000 times? divides 1000, minus3, then divide50...sounds reasonable, haha
          • First,you only ask me once to xxDance, not one million three thousand times,second, I am refused by Lovebeer on tomorrow`s party. 5555
            • So, wjiang was bragging, then it's his responsibiility to kick LoveBeer.
            • I promise you I will KICK LoveBeer's ass hardly.
              • which 'hardly' you mean?
                • the left one.
              • Don`t kick him too hardly, It`s not his fault, because I cannot come for lunch.
                • why?
                  • I have an appointment with a friend, acctulally I even don`t know her.she is a daught of my parents` friend. She work in library of UT. I want to know sth from her.
                    • You want to learn something from reading in the library? Book doesn't give you friendship and peacefullness in your mind. I never read a single book after I graduated. Forget her.
                      • I want to know graduate program of UT. I can not break my appoinment. Next time,ok? By the way, did you graduate from a university in shanghai?
                        • TongJi in ShangHai.
                          • TongJi, not far from my school, sorry I don`t like Tongji , there is a word about TongJi, you must know. xixi
                            • FuDan or CaiJing?
                              • CaiJing
                                • for a year or two, I went CaiJing to dance every weekend. If you remember there was a wonderful man, thta must be me. hehe
                              • Thanks, wjiang, Now I am in good mood. This place has magic. Someday want to meet you guys.
                                • someday, you want to wait for another one million years?
                                  • ok, when will the party finish tomorrow? Tell me the place. Maybe I can drop on.
                                    • good. call this number when you finish: 416 826 0829
    • a girl? try to make some friends, at least try to make yourself outgoing. good luck.
      • outgoing? Many friends say I am easygoing, but no one say outgoing, I think I am between outgoing and .....don`t how to say un-outgoing
        • easygoing is enough. it's very fair for wjiang to give you his seat before the party.
          • yes, madam.
            • wjiang, what`s your schedule tomorrow? Si Cuan Huo Guo?
              • yes. I am well prepared. I havn't eaten anything from yesterday.
                • So what will you bring? If I came, I would bring `Ma Po Dou Fu` and `Gong Bao Ji Ding`. But it will not be real Si Cuan.
                  • I didn't ask my wife yet. she is not home now.
                • 好羡慕啊!上次多伦多聚会回来以后,我就让我老公找多伦多的工作,我们好把家搬过去,就可以每个礼拜参加你们的活动,不幸的是他找到的还是ottawa的工作,我们又得在这么呆到不知什么时候。好想和你们一起去吃火锅啊~~~~~~~~~~~~
                  • Missing your song in KARAOKAY very much.
                    • 激昂今天晚上够忙的呀!
                      • come in please!!
                    • 如果你看到我吃火锅的狼狈样儿,就会更加印象深刻的!临出国的时候,朋友都知道我爱吃麻辣火锅,就天天请我去“金山城”“谭鱼头”“皇城老妈”“肥牛城”这一类的地方。my god,我突然想回家。
                      • You all are Si Cuan people?
                      • 嗨,不就是个“馋”字吗!明天上街转转,暴撮一顿不就成了。
                        • so you are in finally. good. go ahead please.
                      • I can't eat hot stuff very much, but I like to see people eat it.
                        • So do I. I only like a little hot.
                      • 我不是,但是我吃辣的让四川的朋友也害怕。“馋”可不是一下子就能解决的,这是一辈子的事,我已经申请了,呆几年就回国,这张嘴实在受不了这洋罪。
                        • I would like to try all kinds of food, Italian, French, Japanese....I like French and Chinese most.
                          • 那你会适应的更好一些。我在国内还吃吃西餐,现在就根本一口都不想吃,就想吃油条这类的东西,嘻嘻。
    • Sorry, Anita. I just come back home. In fact, it's my big honor to invite you to join our party. Even you will miss some part of it, but I am sure it will not be finished early.
      • When, where?