


  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请帮助一个可怜的中专生! 我将随夫移民加拿大。我只有中专学历而且年龄已过30。不过我还是很想念大学。我的唯一优势是5年来一直在 IT行业外企从事技术工作,而且英语不错。敢问各位前辈,我以PR身份申请本科有多困难?
    • 一个人的能力不在于眼前,而是你能否发挥自己最大的潜能,首先要有120%的信心,再努力做,会成功的.我的学历也不高,但不能在信心上失分,要加油!
      • 应该没问题的,努力了!
    • Go ahead. According to you ability,you shouldn't worry about anything.
      • Thanks for your encouragement! Do you think I have a good chance to be accepted by top universities? (My major at ZhongZhuan was Computer Science but it was 10 years ago. I have been working as an engineer for a big foreign IT company for 5 years.)
        • In general saying ,the possibility of being admited by top Univ is depended on your TOEFL score & transcript. Due to your working experience, a high TOEFL score probably is the only prerequsite you need struggle to. Good luck!
    • no problem at all.
      • only if you got high TOEFL, otherwise it is difficult for you to apply undergraduate study majoring in computer science. it is very competive.
        • hehe, not that hard, a good personal statement is very helpful. let the admission officer know what you did and what u want to do in the future. toefl shouldn't be a problem at all.
    • You said your English is good, I think if you got 630 TOEFl, you will have 95% possibility of being accepted. As I know Canada school emphasize more on score than on personal statement.
      • toefl score is definitely important, however you can find
        what second degree/mature student needs to sumbit with his/her application if you ever consult any admission officer at any Canadian university. I am wondering why people don't rely more on school's official information:-)
      • Many thanks to all of you!!!
      • Many thanks to all of you!!! I took some college level"自考“ courses in China a few years ago. Can these credits be transferred to the university study in Canada?
        • nobody can answer this question except the TRANSFER CREDIT DEPARTMENT of the school or program coordinator.
          And it can only be assessed after you are admitted to the school. However you can prepare a detailed course description and all course materials. they will tell you when to submit transfer credit assessment application, which is included in admission kit.
          • Zara, thank you VERY MUCH for sharing with me your information. Have a nice weekend!
    • 别这样,出了国,你就会知道,没有人愿意和一个没有自信可怜的人交往,哪怕是你装出来的自信!!其实在国内也一样!!别这样,好吗?? 去看,去听,去做,但是不要自卑,哪怕你是40岁的高中文凭!
      • 现在大学里本科CS课1/3的学生,2/3是新移民,都是原来本科以上学历,研究生也差不多,不知道这样还能持续多久,新移民两年毕业后多数会去米国,估计以后对入学的限制会增加
        • CS 1/3是中国学生
        • as I know, most cs depts are expanding now.
          • 但哪里去找好的教授,原来要求是至少是博士还要会讲课,一下子哪里找,再说多数新移民是要去米国的划不来
            • 教授博士的长处是做research吧?CS Faculty竞争激烈的很呢。本科的入学标准不是都针对高中毕业程度的吗?听说UT明年入program的cgpa下调很多,我倒是担心 本科生整体水准是否受影响,呵呵。
              • 我理解一个二流学校,90%教授是博士,全部上本科的课,现在不但新的博士请不到,老的也留不住(去美国)上下混日子的
                • 您在说什么啊?如果您不是UT/UW出身,说这话只怕有酸葡萄嫌疑:-)另外,假如您对美国前二十名学校有过深入了解,您就会知道UT/UW的EE/CS本科决不比美国排名前十五(保守估计)的工程系EE/CS差。
                • 我不知道国内有多少教授还教本科课,在这里,如果一个master/phd(在北美拿的)连本科生的课都上不了,这人能力很有问题。教授的本职除了做研究, 就应该是能给学生上课。btw, 在加拿大的做TA的好多中国留学生的最大问题就是他们上tutorial基本上不说话,呵呵。
                  • 我是说加拿大,加拿大只有48所UNIVERSITY有CS MASTER的不到30所!美国半年的夜校也能有MASTER!不是DOCTOR 很难做讲师ASSISTANT PROFESSOR.WATERLOO是MS雇员的三大来源校
                    • 还是没看懂。lecturer不是faculty member,没有phd 基本上部可能做faculty member, faculty member最低是assistant professor, 但至少要是associate professor才是终身职位。半年夜校的master?那能是什么呢?呵呵。
                      btw, 我不觉得做MS雇员能代表什么,好像entry level是特别地辛苦,呵呵。
                    • by the way,加拿大的城市和人口本来也就那么点,呵呵。再说美国排名前12的学校ECE的硕士,上一年课可毕业,那已经是十分速成了。
                  • I know some prof. (native American) who is from top US school with a very famous advisor. But his teaching skill is especially bad. However, he is a good researcher.
                    • maybe. stephen cook is not bad at teaching, I feel.
                • UW CS/EE is losing a lot of good prof. these years. However, it also recruits a lot of new faculty, most Ph.D. from UToronto, who are very bright and with high potential. They are very promising, some have high funding.
                  • Sorry for a typo. .. mostly from Toronto. By the way, even a lot of famous US univ. such as UIUC, Cornell are losing their professors to industry. .
                    • agree, some outside positions are much more promising and attractive. but there are still many new phd graduates---who are ambitious enough--- coming to teach, so I guess we have to trust them:-)
      • 总之,评价起来加拿大的计算机本科还是不错的。有的贷款拿,有的便宜的生活费(比USA)而且本科教育应该不会差太多,能入籍(三年?)然后,随你便了!到那里不可以?伊拉克?^_^
        • 读书也不轻松,过紧巴巴的日子2-3年,你多大了老兄?
        • hehe, the rent is getting rocket high if u want to rent nice apartment close to U of T.
    • no problem
      you could apply for unclassified student, no problem
      • unclassfied? what does this mean? never see such word.