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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 19岁的YORK大学中国女学生,昨天晚上在KEELE / FINCH 附近的CIBC ATM 附近遇害身亡。太惨了!
    • 劫财? 这么晚出去, 唉!
      • no, before 8pm. poor girl.
    • 警方说她叫“林涛”。 谴责一切暴力行为。
    • FT!!!!!!那也是俺的开户行!!!先买车还是先买AK47?这么恐怖~
    • Manhunt begins after 'vicious' killing -- The Star
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Murder suspect may have been injured during attack, police say
      By Josh Rubin
      Staff Reporter thestar.com

      ? Toronto Police
      ? Toronto Crime Stoppers
      Police have begun the search for a murderer following the stabbing death of a young Chinese exchange student last night only a few blocks from her apartment near York University.
      Nineteen-year-old Lin Tao was only two days shy of her 20th birthday.

      At a press conference this afternoon, police detective Gary Giroux identified Tao as the victim of Toronto's fourth murder of 2002, and said there is no apparent motive for last night's attack.

      Giroux called the attack vicious, and vowed Tao's killer would be caught.

      ''This is a savage attack. It was an attack on a young, defenceless woman, and it was the act of a coward,'' said Giroux.

      Police believe the killer fled on foot and may live close to where Tao was stabbed. They also believe the assailant was injured during the attack on Tao and bears fresh wounds.

      Tao's parents still haven't been notified of their daughter's death, Giroux added. She would have celebrated a birthday on Wednesday.

      Tao studied at York University's English Language Institute last year, but wasn't currently enrolled in any classes, officials at the university said.

      Emergency crews were called to the scene on Four Winds Drive near Keele and Finch Aves. around 8 p.m. last night after it was reported that a woman was stabbed in the neck. The victim, who was bleeding heavily, was taken to Humber River Regional hospital as paramedics worked to keep her alive.

      Once her condition was stabilized she was transported to Sunnybrook hospital, where she died.

      Toronto police cordoned off a banking centre, apartment building courtyard, a nearby Tim Horton's and a parking lot following the attack.

      Police at nearby 31 Division were questioning a distraught man who may have witnessed the attack. A police-tracking dog was brought to the scene to follow the trail of a suspect, a man described as wearing a puffy ski-type jacket.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 太恐怖了!
    • 怪不得,我今早驾车路过在Keele快到Finch时,看到有警车停在通往YorkU的路边,两旁的路边都用黄色警戒带封起来,当时还挺纳闷的,原来出事了,悲哀呀。:-(
    • sooooooooooooo sad! 55555555........
    • York总是出事情:O晚了大家没事可不要去溜达了.可怜的MM,大年三十遇害,可怜的父母:(((((心里凉飕飕的.
    • 好惨。正是过春节的时候,且马上就到她的20岁生日了,她的父母该多么难过。谁有线索?快快报告警察。
    • 加拿大没有死刑。所以大家一定要小心,尤其是女孩子。男士遭到袭击的概率很小。
      • 那就放开了杀人?:(
        • 唉,所以大家要当心。多伦多西区的确不安全,前两天看 Mirror 报纸报道的最近发生的三次袭击事件都在 keele& finch 一带。出门带把刀防身一点儿不过分,M9 最好。碰上有人抢钱就废了他先。
          • 这个是不是和通过概率统计,为了防止劫机自己带一炸弹一个道理?
            • 本质区别,带刀合法,带炸弹违法。
              • 呵呵,不够安静啊!刀啊炸弹的 :D
                • 新年好,:)
                  • 新年好!
          • M9一点都不好,又重又长,做工粗糙,硬度也不够。Gun Site,蜘蛛,蝴蝶那个都比它好。
            • 蝴蝶刀适合防身,M9 适合战斗。碰上歹徒带刀,如果你掏出一把M9,气势上他先弱了。当然,女孩子也许耍不太动。
              • 当然是防身用,又不是在多伦多打巷战。嘿嘿,那还不如拎把库可锐,指不定劫匪一看见你就给你钱。。。
                • 还是菜刀吧
              • 防身也好,战斗也罢,没有一点儿功夫只怕兵器刚亮出来就被缴了械,学点防身术吧!
                • 那最好是随身带个高音喇叭,一有劫匪就大叫“非礼!!”
                  • 唉,大街上叫兴许有用!别看住的房子里隔音不好,银行那个鬼地方高音喇叭也未必有用
                    • 最大的问题是 ATM 所在的小格子间,如果在里面取钱的时候歹徒进来,很难走脱。
                • 歹徒不一定会什么功夫,带把刀绝对有用。推测歹徒心理,街上那么女孩子,他不会跟你这个带刀的过不去。不过拿刀出来的时候千万不要哆哆嗦嗦,动作要快。或者假装害怕掏钱,然后掏出把巨大无比的斧子,问他有没有带钱。
                  • 最好是象“芭蕉扇”那样能见风长的武器!:P
                    • 最好象孙猴子使的那玩艺
          • 如果一下上来两、三个黑人兄弟,估计用刀的机会不大。
            • 如果对方人多,敌强我弱,最好的办法就是想办法迅速离开,向人多眼杂的地方跑。不能硬拼。
          • 不要带刀。不要带大量现钞, 但是钱包中要有10-20块钱, 万一遇到抢劫, 要交钱, 防止他因抢不到钱而泄愤伤害. 绝对不要晚上到ATM上取钱. 开车时锁住车门
            • 好象是认识她的人干的, 钱包并没有丢.
              • 警察没说里面东西丢没有,今天www.thestar.com是这么说的。
              • news update from thestar.com
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛York student wounded her killer
                Cuts on face or hands may identify attacker
                Michelle Shephard
                Crime Reporter

                Police are searching for the killer of 19-year-old exchange student Lin Tao.

                TORONTO STAR PHOTO
                Toronto police forensics officers examine a backpack where Lin Tao was killed on Feb. 10, 2002, near Keele St. and Finch Ave.
                Lin Tao managed to fight her attacker for just a few brief minutes before he cut her throat, leaving her to die in a parking lot adjacent to a busy north Toronto road.

                During that struggle, Tao's attacker was also cut and police hope those wounds will help them find the man who killed the 19-year-old York University student Sunday night. They asked the public yesterday to report anyone who may have received a recent unexplained injury.

                Homicide Detective Chris Buck denounced the killing at a press conference, saying the slaying "of a young, defenceless woman is an act of a coward." Investigators said they could not determine a motive for the murder or reveal whether there was a connection between the attacker and Tao.

                A one-block perimeter in the area of Keele St. and Finch Ave. W. was cordoned off with yellow police tape yesterday as investigators searched the plaza and parking lot near where Tao was killed. At one end of the barricaded area, forensic experts moved through a closed Tim Hortons coffee shop, looking for fingerprints. The store's manager said police were told the suspect might have been in the shop prior to the attack.

                Buck wouldn't comment on reports that Tao was followed through the area before she was killed in the apartment parking lot on Keele St. but did say the teenager was on her way home just after 8 p.m. when she was stabbed. It was reported just after the attack on Sunday night that Tao was robbed, but the 19-year-old's purse was left at the scene near a small pool of blood. Police would not comment yesterday on whether the bag's contents were stolen.

                When asked if the killing was a random attack, Buck responded: "At this point I can't describe it as anything. We haven't determined what the motive is."

                Homicide detectives said part of their investigation would include talking to detectives probing two separate attacks that involved a suspect with a knife who approached women from behind.

                On Dec. 27, a woman was attacked leaving a bus in the Don Mills Rd. and Finch Ave. E. area, but she was able to escape the knife-wielding man. Police believe the same man attacked another woman Feb. 1 as she left a bus near Don Mills Rd. and Lawrence Ave. E. Again, the woman was able to escape.

                Buck said police would see if there's a connection between those attacks and the homicide.

                Tao lived with her boyfriend near the area where she was attacked. She had come alone to Toronto with a student visa in 1999 from her home in China. Police said yesterday afternoon they were still trying to reach her parents and relatives who did not yet know of the murder.

                Her boyfriend was described by detectives as distraught. Like Tao, he is in Canada on a student visa with no relatives here.

                Tao was enrolled in York University's English Language Institute until her program ended in December. University spokesperson Cim Nunn said Tao was not presently registered at the school.

                Detectives released a vague description of the suspect identifying him as having a slender build and about 5 feet, 6 inches to 5 feet, 7 inches tall. Sunday night, he was wearing dark clothing and his coat or sweater had an attached hood.

                It's the fact that he was cut, likely on his hands or face, that police hope will help people in the area identify him.

                After the attack he ran north on Keele St., and police believe he lives in the area.

                Anyone with information is asked to call the detectives directly. Buck can be reached at 416-808-7406 and Detective Sergeant Gary Giroux at 416-808-7387.

                Residents and local employees were shaken by the news and looked for a TV image of Tao to see if they knew the 19-year-old.

                "It's so awful, that poor girl," said Ehsan Alideeb, the manager of the china and gift shop on Keele St., just outside the area cordoned off by police. "I've been in this location for 10 years and we've never had anything like this happen."

                The killing made 18-year-old student Eda Flores cautious.

                "I normally walk by there without even thinking about it," she said yesterday. "Now I may call my parents to pick me up at the bus stop."

                Tao was to turn 20 tomorrow.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 吓坏了吧? 呵呵
          • 不怕,俺这就学空手道去.
            • 学跆拳道吧,空手道不够狠,俺学过,深感上当
              • 我一个朋友学散打的,几个人根本近不了身,可以雇来当保镖。
    • 真可怜啊。。。。。。。。。。?????????????____??????????????
    • 真是个令人难过的消息,出门在外,请各位JJMM们注意安全、多多保重。
    • 抢钱也就算了, TNND, 好好一条人命.
    • 刚刚在CABLE PLUS电视新闻看到这条间信了。
    • 555, get scared, would find a big knife first, then pistol, then AK47...
    • 太令人失望了。这么多人谈论如何防生,却没有人谈论如何替死者伸冤。
      • 我们都很难过,但是对于抓凶手我们都无能无力。
      • 这也是心有余而力不足的事啊!我们就是组织一个福尔摩斯侦破小组警方也不会与我们合作的呀!给个IDEA先。
      • 现在中国人最大的悲哀就是缺乏信仰,道德漠化,由此可见一斑 
    • oh, shit, i heard the news this morning, did not think she's a chinese girl. sounds like she came out of a bar and went to the machine to grab cash, just be careful doing that at a rare location even during daytime.
    • 1. 她24岁,2.她没死,现在情况稳定。----From Toronto Star
      • 是你看错了,还是star报道前后矛盾?
      • are you sure? why I can not confirm this from Toronto Star's web page? still keep the last hope for the poor girl.
    • 刚刚电视播了,死者被割颈至死。疑犯怀疑亚裔,身高5呎6吋,穿黑色夹克,手部在争执中被割伤。有线索的请报警。
      • 还是凶手是熟人?看来不能太早就把脏水泼到那些来自非洲的无产阶级身上
    • 很难过听到这样的消息.....................
      • 车同志你好, 新年快乐
        • 为什么又叫我车同志?也祝你新年快乐!
    • 前一阵台湾来的林家秭妹,一死一伤,现又来一宗, 还有,vancouver 50多妓女连环夺命案, 恐怖啊.
      大家想想怎样给toronto 警察局一点压力, 前一阵台湾来的林家秭妹,好端端的, 被一burgler一死一伤,现又来一宗, toronto 是不能住了吗,加拿大不是号称全世界最适宜居住吗? 还有,vancouver 50多妓女连环夺命案, 恐怖啊. 可能加拿大要改名为全世界最适宜murderer居住了. sigh!
      • 那个至少两年了,很快就破案,记得已经定罪乐。审理时间长是按程序而来。我觉得多伦多警察局效率还是很高的,就象消防队一样。
      • 该做的是抓到罪犯后,怎么让陪审团尽快和准确地定罪。不过人死不能复生,唉。
    • 糟,白申请YORK了。看来还是待在偏远地带安全
      • 约克本身挺安全,就是周边地区不安全。比如南面的大草原去年有骚扰案件等,只要你不住在学校附近就行,尤其是 four winds drive和对面的那些apartment
        • 为什么总听说约克出事,没听说过俺们画帖路出过啥事?俺们这里还有counsellor服务。
          • 因为俺们约克在大城市,你们花铁路在农村
            • 哦,俺们民风淳朴。
          • 说不准。以前有女孩在scarborough半夜被乱枪打死。前年台湾女孩被杀和伤好像是north york,被杀的都已经免试入台大物理系乐。
            • 台湾那个好像里我家不远
          • 不知道有没人记得paul bernado案件,是在st. catharines的,那大概是加拿大十年来最出名的连环杀人案乐。
            • 听起来蛮恐怖的,有没有人知道Windsor, McMaster附近还行不?是不是在外面租房子比住学校宿舍危险呢?现在都不知道该不该往大城市搬。*(*
    • 她犯了几个明显的错误,一,八点了,就不要出门,现在天黑的早,要出门也应该由男朋友陪着,二,晚上去取钱,这不是招灾吗?白天不好取吗?三,抢劫时,不应该反抗,破财免灾。
      • 你有内部消息啊?