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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 昨天请了"佳佳" 搬家公司, 才知道这个公司有多烂.
    你想搬家找气受吗? 你想听搬家的指着你的家具说三道四, 说你家没几个值钱的东西吗? 你想请来2个东北大爷一样的人搬家吗> (100%的大爷, 走路都是一左一右的晃, 一副谁也瞧不起的样子) 一次只两箱子就坐单独留的电梯下楼了. 当你客气地说"您能一次多一点东西吗?" 俩大爷竟然说" 你想不想搬? 不搬, 自己下去把东西从车上搬下来, 付2小时钱我们走人" 你想知道佳佳的那个女负责人在听了顾客(还算是吧)的投诉后说啥? " 一个把掌拍不响. 他们出去了我也管不了. 其实搬家和顾客争吵是经常的?!...你看怎末办? "

    看了这里以前的TIP, 才知道这家公司有多烂. 有勇士尽可一试.
    • 怎么这些人在加拿大开公司还带着国内的恶习?!另外一点,这也是多伦多搬家公司的最大问题:按时间算钱,在这种机制下,当然是搬得越慢越好,省力的同时还赚钱。
      • the truth was if they don't charge by hours, then they won't be making any money or they may charge more for survival to be not out of the game, I feel sorry for the story and
        I could image what's going on out there, those workers are normally out of control of their boss once they are out to work and the way they treats our fellow Chinese are really should be damned, we don't treat ourselves fairly and respectfully, and we, of course, do not deserve to be treated fairly out there in the society by other communities as well, my point is regardless what you do, do it with your respect, if you don't like it, quit out and find another one you like!
        • Happy Chinese New Year! Have a good beginning in horse year!
          • U2, thanks a lot ;-)
        • Definitely, they can go away if they dont like the job. I think there are no working rules in this company.
    • 我请过佳佳公司去取海运的物品,没有觉得那个女老板如此不讲道理。那个女老板还帮我搬东西那,也许是校友的关系吧,像你所说的话,这样的搬家公司,第一不能客气,第二下次不找了,换一个吧。女老板是姓王吧?
      • It's a very lucky thing that you got Wang's good service. Could we ask her to service us??
        • 我不明白你的意思,你不是已经搬完家了吗?还要再搬一次?
    • If u ask me which chinese movement co. is the best in toronto, I have no idea. But I know which is the WORST !!!
      • i used to know, but it may not be around anymore or the owner has been changed
    • That's the 3rd sour experience I've heard of immigrant moving company. I'll hesitate to use them when I move next time. Thanks for sharing.
    • 搬家最好通过朋友介绍(REFERRAL)的搬家公司, 或者专业搬家公司(损坏有保险赔偿). 我们每次搬家都找朋友推荐.
    • 我以前给网上请教班家的人回过贴:般家最好找到老外,实在想找中国人,千万别找佳佳搬家公司。我有个朋友在我们搬家前就是这么对我们说的,可我们想还是找到中国人方法便些,结果是生一肚子气,还把我累的够呛。
      • 我想原因可能有两个,第一个是“穷“。第二个是素质低,早期来的移民或难民素质不是很高的(可能有人开始扔砖头了)。第三个,加拿大人和中国人生活的方式可能不一样。其中第一个原因是主要的。
        • 谁说的,早期来的许多是直接读书的
      • I hate to say that, but if you can tips them at the very beginning, say, 10 bucks, that would make a little bit difference, but you tips them for a good service, not because you have to. well, tips work in this case.
        • 我开始就说过会给小费的,而且最后尽管生气还是给了二人38块的小费。真是傻帽一个。唉!就怪自己心太软、心太软!!
          • you really tips them too much regarding what you have been treated.
            • 他被他们吓得不敢少给,更不敢不给
            • 看他们好象饿了几天没吃饭!而且他们说几天没好好睡觉,怪可怜的!现在想想,我可怜他们谁可怜我呀?我的钱也不是白来的!唉!
    • 不是说东北人不好,但这里的确有很多东北人不怎么样。最多的表现就是NB哄哄,不遵守公共道德。
      • 各地都是什么样的人都有,有些东北人不错
      • 不想活啦, 东北人在这里可是很多的, 而且很多好象都是国际学生, 有钱那.
        • 说的就是他们!一群败家子
        • 你这话把东北人说的象是本地黑社会.