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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 问DX们一个傻傻的问题,加拿大有没有婚假?如果没有,除了年假外还有其他假吗?我听说有一种FAMILY LEAVE不知道是什么东东
    • 婚假一般没有,产假男女都有,每个公司还有不同的放假制度,如病假,丧假,没有理由的假期等等。family leave是那种家里有事请的假:病护,奔丧都属于family leave
      • 在这里产假有一年呢...
        • but the salary is only 60%, same as EI, right? :-)
          • correct!
          • It should be 55%.The salary has the limitation up to around $1500 per month. If you have high salary, you wan't get 55%.
            • Yes, this answer is the correct one.