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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 综合来看,是ECE 容易申请还是CS容易申请?出来以后的工作前途呢?
    • 请大虾们综合一下。
      • 再请
        • up
      • job chance are ok for both
    • Generally speaking, ECE is harder than CS to get in. Job wise, it depands which direction you want to get in.
      With ECE, you have better training in working on low-level stuff . With CS, it focus more on designing at application level. For a good decision, you shuold check the program description to figure out whcih one fit you better.
      • 就我看来,申请ECE的朋友好像也比CS的多一些,不知道是不是。