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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / Is there anybody has the experience writing PPE for P.Eng? How long would it take to prepare for it? (Ethics and Law) Thank you!
    • Thank you again!
      • Thank you again and again!
        • Thank you again and again and again!
    • No P.Eng here?
      • No P.Eng here??
        • No P.Eng here???
    • Nobody could help me?!
      • Peter Pan? :-) 现在好像PE比较少... 你有一年以上加国经验
        • Yes, I have. I passed the interview by ERC and PEO asked me to write PPE this April, but there is only two months left. You must know something about this, kind expertune? Help me, please.
          • I only know the information posted on www.peo.on.ca, nothing else.. :-)
    • 我知道一些.
      • Thank you! I guess you will get the license soon. Could you please share some experience on writing PPE (Professional Practice Examination).
    • I wanted to prepare the exam. But I am quite busy now (it is my excuse). Can we share some information?
      • Great! Dear Comrade! Have you started to prepare on it? Do you think we need to take some courses?
        • There is no specific course for PEO exam. I haven't decide when to write it. It is best to have some previous exam sample.
    • 俺 打 算 4月 份 去 write PPE。
      • Are you in Toronto? If so, can I discuss something with you because I am not good at English writing (poor grammer).
        • 遗 憾 的 很 , 俺 不 在 多 市 。 不 过 这 种 考 试 也 没 什 么 , 每 门 50分 就 过 , 即 使 没 过 八 月 接 着 再 考 就 是 啦 。
    • 大概一共有两本书,复习一下,背一背就好了。应该不会花很长时间。


      • Thank you!
        I asked some of my engineer colleagues (they are all local people). They said it is easy. But I am still not confident because of my language. I have borrowed the books and sit down to read it. Anyway, good or bad, I will tell you the result.
    • 如果没工作,有了此头先,能够得到工作吗?
      • If you have a P.Eng license (Canada), it is very easy to find a good job.
        But you must have at least one year of Canadian experience. My experience is try to enter engineering of consultant company first, then start to apply.
    • See URL http://www.peo.on.ca/, you may find out everything you need.
      • Where can I buy those two books?