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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 我是去年6月Landing后隔半年于去年12月回来的。但我发现在Equifax我的信用记录上,只有SIN相同,生日相同,姓相同,但其它全都不对了。好象有另外一个人和我共用着一个SIN和信用记录一样。请问各位我该怎么办?
    • 估计这样下去你快受到COLLETING AGENT的电话了. 打电话给EQUIFAX查询, 并给所有在纪录中的公司打电话调查
      • 谢谢您!可是所有这些公司都不会帮我更正资料的,EQUIFAX也只是以后在我的信用记录里附上我的声明说我“可能是诈骗行为的受害者”而已。这就是说那个人还是可以继续用我的SIN。我应该怎么去澄清更正我的资料,终止那个人的行为呢?
        • 改名字吧
          • 请问改名字的话也可以同时改我的SIN吗?现在关键是SIN啊,EQUIFAX只根据它去查记录,我同时寄去的Driver License那些白痴根本就没看。
            • Why "所有这些公司都不会帮我更正资料的"?
        • Make sure it is not YOU. We may forget some accounts we opened before. If it is not you, submit written request for investigation(to all accounts and Equifax) . Do it NOW! The No. 1 crime in US is identity fraud.
          • 怎么在线查信用纪录 Equifax好像一定得给他用信寄去才给查?
            • You can call them or go to their website. Usually it is not free. But if you get turned down on your credit card application, you can get a free credit report within 60 days (or 90days)
              • Not free?? I saw nothing about charges on request of personal credit file on Equifax Canada Inc. (There's USD9.00 for a US citizen to request the credit report.)
                • 加拿大也许免费(?), 我说的是根据US的情况.
                  • 再晕,怎么饺子在美国呀?
            • 对。什么电话,EMAIL都没用的。
        • 关键问题是那个人还可以继续用我的SIN啊?!我岂不是一辈子都得跟着他后面去声明?EQUIFAX不是调查机构更不会帮我去揪那个人出来终止他的行为。我该怎么办?
          • 1. Close those accounts which don't belong to you. 2. inform the financial institutes that have those accounts. 3. UPDATE your information.
            Usually the credit cards are sent to your HOME address and activated by your HOME number. In theory everyone can apply for a credit card if he knows somebody's SIN. But if the address is not that "bad guy"'s address, how can he physically get the credit cards??

            hope the information helpful to you.
            • Thank you very much! I'm also strange about that: "his" address is different with mine.
          • If it's possible that I ask for the investigation from the HR Development or even the police station?
    • 怎样去equifax查自己的信用档案?听起来好像电影...
      • Go to equifax.com, choose "Canada" if you live here and then download a credit request form, fill this form and send it to the speicified address with two copies of your photo IDs.