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  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / Moon River, where have you been?
    • I have been Mcnicon waiting in a bad weather day for almost half an hour to wait a person to pick me up. I even can not find a phone box aroud there.
      There are few people. How can you tell me to wait in such a place. How can you? Wjiang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      • Sooooooooooooooo sorry!!!!
        It's my fault, moon river. I chose the place that I'm not familiar with. Please blame on me...
      • I couldn't stop there. I went there 2 times. the third time when I passed by, I saw a girl in black coat, long hair, about 1.63m, slim, waiting at the north west cornor of the intersection.
        Ae you the girl? I am vey sorry. I shouted ' are you moon river', she didn't answer. I then drove south. Hei, did you see a white Mustang with black bars on side body past?

        It is my fault. I promise next time I will pick you up directly at your home to ensure no mistake any more. Now, cheer up pleeeeeease!!
        • I have seen many cars with black bars, It `s ok, it can be my exercise. but Next time you must appologize to me because you selected this bad location for waiting.
          • 对 WJiang 打击最大的是:他得意的宝马良驹居然没有在滚滚车流中被一眼认出。下次还要在车身上贴个大标语:“Mustang!!!"
            • 5555~~
          • 下次买一部PICK UP, 换上一水的大轮胎, 18个喇叭, 24 个大灯. 车身两侧各写上大大的'汪激昂'. 不信MM们不能一眼认出. 哼!
            • 别忘记还有鬼魅!
            • so you have seen me right?
              • why everybody never go chatroom here?
                • It's more funny to through bricks to each other here...hehe...and watering is a must to keep the forum ever green...
              • 不知是不是你, 喊了MOON RIVER, 她没理我. 555
                • not heard, you should walk out your car and then shout. egg, is that phone number yours? you are going to upgrade to Baba?
                  • I'm just wondering from where you got my cell phone number? Oh, yes, upgrading in progress.
                    • 我给的。 她说的是升级做爸爸!
                      • YES! You id#$t! I was saying "upgrading in process", anything wrong?
                        • 我读成了‘手机号码升级正在进行“
                          • ha ha ha! You #$%^&! Sorry for those not-so-good words!
                            • haha!! *&%%%^% &^^*&*^ #@$@ ^%$&^
      • 真是遗憾!不过我心中窃喜,我没见到moon river,别人也没见到。
        • 不明白???
          • 不是说此公最腐败嘛……上场没吃完不说,连见MoonRiver小姐的机会都漠视了就去赶下场腐败的说。
            • 噢,明白了。